Chapter 50

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Venere's PoV

When I opened my eyes, it was dark around me. At least it isn't daylight hitting right into my retina, blinding me for eternity. I wasn't lying on the bed with my back on the mattress, which is weird cause I never sleep with my front on the mattress. I tried getting up but every cell inside me was pulsating with pain. Ugh! I don't think I have been in such pain in like forever.

I tried getting up again, but my hands were too weak to bear my weight and I fell back on the mattress. Suddenly the lights were turned on, making me feel like I'm going to go blind. "What the hell? Who is it?"

"Can you stop getting hyper for like 5 minutes? You were injured." It sounds like it's Xavier. But how? Whoever it was, they grabbed my shoulders and I tried to turn back and hit them but the pain in my back flared up, making me scream in pain. They made me sit up straight but before I could say anything, the door opened with a thud.

"Xavier, what the fuck is going on?!" That yell was most definitely from Jasper and with that very tone I can tell, he is definitely pissed. "Can someone tell me what the fu-" I tried to yell but ended up coughing badly.

"Don't fucking shout goddamn it." Jasper pushed Xavier away from me and grabbed the glass of water on the side table. He made me drink the water slowly and kept it away once I was done. "What the hell is wrong with you Vale?! Have you gone fucking crazy?!" I said, grabbing a pillow near my right hand and throwing it at him. I try to get another with my left hand but I cry out due to the excruciating pain in my left shoulder.

"You should calm down V. It's not-" Riley said and that was the last straw drawn. I was about to get up and punch her for calling me 'V' when Xavier hugged me from behind tightly, not letting me move even a single inch.

"Leave me you fucking idiot! Aaj ek khoon toh pakka hona hi hai mere haatho, if you don't want to be murdered, get the fuck out of my way!"

"Can you all, like, get out? She's on the roll already and what I have to convey to her is going to make her more feral than ever." He said while still holding me tightly. I glared at him and elbowed his ribs. He tightened his grip on me instead of loosening it.

Jasper looked like he wanted to murder Xavier but Mark turned him around and pushed him out of the room with Riley's help.

As soon as they were out, Xavier left me before I tried to hit him again. "What the fuck were you trying to do at the start, huh? Kill me?"

"Look, before we start with that, I think you should rest-" "Yaa think?"

"Look, your spine almost got stabbed, you were lucky that the moron who threw the knife didn't have much experience and the knife ended up in your shoulder blade and not your spine or your neck."

"Do you think I want to talk about something that's like a walk in the garden to me at this point? Kaam ki baat bata jaldi."

"Look I can't until you calm down, your stitches would be ripped open if I tell you what's going on."

"Tu bol raha yaa yeh fek ke maaru?" I threatened him, taking the lamp in my uninjured hand.

"Dude! What is wrong with you? Keep the damn lamp away!"

The door opened again and it was Jasper who was peeking in. I raised my eyebrow at him in a questioning manner. "Just wanted to make sure no one's dead in here since we couldn't hear y'all outside."

"I'm going to go out before she throws something at me again, handle your crazy girl, Jas." He waved off at us and sprinted out, most probably to evade answering me.

Wait, did he call me and Jasper a couple? And most of all when did Jasper become 'Jas' for Xavier?

"What the fuck did he just say again?" I asked, trying to get up. But Jasper held my elbow and made me lie back against the headrest.

"Don't know, don't care. All I'm interested in is why the fuck are getting so hyper? I- I mean Riley thought it would be better if we got him here to treat you."

"Do you think this is the fucking time to discuss my shitty behavior rather than catching your so-called brother? Hate to break it to you but-" I was about to spill about what I found out. The reason I entangled myself with him and his fucking Mafia. My mission.


I got up despite the pain in my body and stopped only when I was near the window. Make up something fast Venere, fast!

"What were you saying?"

"Sometimes people aren't as trusting as you believe them to be. Especially if there are factors outside your circle that may tempt them to betray you." I didn't look at him when I said that. I don't know why, but I didn't want to lie to his face. I did that so many times before. But this time, I just couldn't.

Why, Roy why? What are you doing to me? You are making it hard for me to keep my hand close to me, to keep myself away from you. It is already bad enough that I can't deny my attraction towards you anymore.

He held my shoulders gently and turned me around. "You really think that bullshit explanations of yours are going to distract me? If you really think so, then you still have so many misconceptions in that fucking head of yours." 

He gently held my neck, with the thumb on my cheeks and looked right into my eyes. "Jasper-" "The truth, Venere. Nothing else."

"Don't make this hard for me-" "You're making it harder for yourself."

I don't know how long we were looking into each other's eyes but the sound of birds chirping made me come back to reality. Shit, I would've kissed him if those slight chirpings weren't heard by us. I broke free from his hold and looked away half-heartedly, "It isn't that simple anymore, Roy! If I say something to you, you will have no choice but to choose one damn side."

"So, you're afraid that I won't give you the time of the day if that happens? Or that I won't choose yours if it involves you?" Even his chuckles sounded fake. I laughed bitterly at his poor attempt to make the atmosphere and my mood light and his chuckles stopped.

"The problem isn't that and you know it in your gut." I faced towards the window, away from him. I don't know why but I just couldn't look into his eyes.

I could sense that he was right behind me and wanted to turn me around but didn't force me to do so. "Then what do you want to say?"

It means I will have to tell him why I'm here. And once that happens, there's no going back. The catastrophe will end everyone that's dear to both of us.

A slight shake to my shoulder made me get back to reality.

"I really do want to know what is actually going on with you, because it is making you behave stranger than usual. But I have known the hard way that forcing the truth out isn't a very good idea with you, so..." He stopped after that and the atmosphere went from normal to something else before I could even blink my eyes.

"Jasper?" Riley hollered from outside making us jerk away from each other. I didn't even realize how we got so close to each other. My and his face was so close, if Riley had not called Jasper, we would have definitely kissed.

"I will go out. Take some rest, the plan needs to be discussed." He jogged out of the room without glancing back. Massaging my forehead, I looked out the window again. There were a few little birds at the grill. It made me remember how I might have said things to him that he is not supposed to know if these birds had not chirped.

Jasper, whatever you are doing, it is totally fucking up my mind and my heart.

Seconds later, Vale is back into the room with a grin on his face that literally spells out what he's thinking.

"Stop smiling, warna muh tod dungi tera."

"Yeah, yeah, break my face. But it will be so worth it man."

But after that banter he said something that had me wondering- whether I should kill this damn fucker or punch him into oblivion.

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