Chapter 61

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"What the fuck is going on?" Waking up to Jasper's yells, I sat up straight, yawning

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"What the fuck is going on?" Waking up to Jasper's yells, I sat up straight, yawning. "...There is a fire outbreak at one of the ports we have control over." So, my people have started acting according to the plan. Xavier just stared at me in disbelief but ignoring his stares, I concentrated on not laughing my ass off right then and there.

"Contain that fire and save everything you can. We need to minimize the losses as much as we can."

"Venere." Looking at him, I raised my eyebrow to ask silently what he wanted to say. "We are at the mansion." Looking out the window, I looked at the house with hatred in my eyes. I may not remember anything about this mansion, but this is where Max's friend lived. If you want to know exactly what this house and their member's fate is after your plan is executed, you need to be calm Venere.

We got out of the car and there were a few people waiting at the door, which included Jasper's stepmother Janice or whatever her name is and another familiar woman. Her name is on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember her.

"Janet, Selene what is going on?" Ah right Selene Oberoi. The one because of whom Jasper and I had to keep up with the ruse of 'fiance-fiancee'. I just kept my mouth shut to not fuck up any more of things.

"Come on in." Janet said coldly and walked back inside, Selene following her in with a sad look plastered on her face. We all followed them and what we all saw froze us all in our tracks. "What the fuck?" It was a burnt corpse. I closed my eyes not able to believe that I, of all people, forgot my own plan. It was a part of my plan to send this here. Now that this part is done, it's only a matter of time before I'm able to execute the final part.

"Someone kept it at our gate, with this letter as well." Janet handed Jasper the letter and he started to read it out loud, "I hope you aren't too shocked to see your dearest Theo's dead body. After all the fuck ups he has done in his 36 years of existence, this should've happened a lot more sooner to be honest. But never late than never!"

Seeing that everyone was distracted, I took my phone and found a secluded place to make a call to the Dean, one of the people I had hired and trained for the plan. He started talking as soon as he received the call.

"Like you said, we sent his charred corpse. And a letter with it."

"Did you face any problem?" All I got back was silence. "Dean?"


"I told you I don't want any sort of stupidity or fuck ups!" This was one of those times I was glad about the voice modulation app for calls that was on my phone, because this is not one of those moments where I would have kept my focus on modulating my own fucking voice.

"It wasn't because of any of us I swear!" He panicked and I asked him again, curious who it was. "Then, who was it?" He once again was quiet which was quite irritating and if it was possible, I wanted to punch the hell out of him right now. "Are you going to say, or do I have to get there? Cause trust me, if I get there, it's hell for y'all."

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