Chapter 14

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"So everyone!" Jasper was yelling but everyone was busy gobbling the damn food on their plates along with chattering about useless topics.

I whistled loudly and everyone covered their ears due to the sharp noise.

"Thank you, Mac." Jasper said dryly.

I just rolled my eyes and motioned him to continue.

"So, as I was saying before, tomorrow Theo is coming back here." He said and everyone groaned.

"Great! Addition of another moron in this madhouse." I grumbled and played with the spaghetti on my plate.

"And he thinks that Mac is my fianceé, thanks to Selene." He continued and I groaned.

"Look, before you say anything, I just wanted to say one damn thing. I won't change my behavior just because Theo is gonna crash here. And why didn't you tell him the truth?" I said in one go and everyone agreed with me.

"Because mother knows about you being my fianceé. And there are 90% chances that he would inform this to Selene and mother. So you still have to act like my fianceé." Jasper replied.

After hearing this, I walked to him and punched his abdomen. Hard.

"What the fuck?" He yelled.

"Yes, what the fuck?! You could have said that I was your PA or something! Why the hell did you tell Selene that I am your fianceé, you moron!" I yelled back.

"Okay, okay enough of fighting! Jasper, what should we be doing?" Marky asked, separating us.

"First, let's finish our dinner. Then we will discuss who will do what. And most importantly, clean Theo's room." Jasper replied.

"You had a spare room and thought it was a good idea to never share this information with me until it's really necessary?" I asked sarcastically and sat on my chair.

"I thought you didn't want  that room since you didn't ask. Besides, it's Theo's room. He hates it when others use his room." Jasper replied, shrugging. I rolled my eyes.

"This only shows how desperate you were to share a room with me." I replied, eating my dinner.

"Hey-" Jasper exclaimed.

"Come on. We have many more things to do than fighting." I interrupted him and finished my dinner.

"See y'all in the living room!" I said and placed my plate in the kitchen sink.

A few minutes later...

Everyone was seated in the living room by now.

Jasper and I made a list of what all things were to be done and one by one the crew took the chores they wanted to do.

"Placing everything according to Theo's wishes-" 

"I'll do that." Riley interrupted me.

"Tomorrow's cooking-" "Me!" Ben interrupted.

Like that, everyone took their chores, leaving only one chore to do.

"That leaves us with cleaning that damn room." I muttered under my breath.

"Yep." Jasper replied dryly, glaring at the list. 

We headed to Theo's room, with cleaning supplies in our hand.

"I always hated this." I grumbled as Jasper opened the door.

"No need to grumble about these things. I have enough headaches to last for a lifetime." He replied as we entered the room.

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