The "Talk" with my Parents ;-;

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My parents took my phone since Mom broke hers, she used my phone to text all her friends and workmates.

And guess what?!

They took a look at the contents of my gallery to see pictures of Xiahou Ba (Yes, even the Half-naked ones) >////<

Then, here's what happened

Dad: Jessica, you are growing up. The phone shows proof.

Me: *face turns red* I swear, those aren't mine! Now gimme my phone! *Dad hides phone*

Mom: Well, that means you should start ACTING like a teenager.

Dad: You look like your aunt, and let me tell you, she looks like you, and she's really beautiful. Suitors line up outside her doorstep everyday. We're going to add more time for the gym to increase your sex appeal

Me: o_e DAD!

Dad; Come on! you have a larger chest than your mom and if you just try to work out.

Me: But I'm not that even fat! And I'm okay being a tomboy! I don't care about my looks! *Tries not to tear off hair*

Mom: Well, we shall go shopping for more clothes.

Dad: *Snickers* Ahahahahahaha! *Still goes through the contents of my phone* My daughter has a crush~!

Me: on a fictional character -_-

. . . . . .

Help me ;-; I hate my life. . . Now Mom is always using my phone a nd can see EVERYTHING inside it! DX Please don't delete my video game files and the Emulator in my phone ;~;

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