Book Idea: Suicide Note

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I love you too. It doesn't seem like it, it doesn't look like I loved you back, but I do. I just wanted to take a break from all this shit by isolating myself. I'm sorry if I have to leave. But anything can be a substitute to replace me...

Dear Siblings,

Even if you are ungrateful little brats that take my for granted, I care for you... please learn to take care of yourselves now because..... big sis needs to go somewhere... I might never return.

Dear Best Friends,

I dont understand why you befriended me... I'm no good afer all. All I did was tag along wherever you go and be a burden because of my problems, but I tried my best....

I tried, but trying isnt enough. Nothing I do is enough. I failed... I failed everything...

I'm sorry. I love you all. And I know you also cared for me too... but please never forget to smile... After all, I'm replacable....

I'm really sorry... Farewell...

You guys like the idea? ^_^v For the first time in my life, I'm writing an Angel Beats! Fanfic! Yay!!!!

The cover is in the media ^_^ Hope you all like it! :D

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