My Will and Testament if I die

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(inspired by this video @Mahran19 showed me XD)

Sora: *clears her throat* As Pyro's main OC, I have been entrusted by her to read her last will and testament after her tragic death of massive blood loss from bleeding her nose out when Xiahou Ba said "watching you fight warms my heart" during gameplay. She dropped the remote on her father's foot and he told her they both have to accept that you can never marry fictional characters from Japan, causing Pyro to not only die of blood loss but of a broken heart. *clears throat again* Anyways. . .

As the queen of the FIYAH army, I, Pyro the Flaming Badass, wish for my properties to be divided and handed to my Wattpad family.

@xXIceAuroraXx: What?

Sora: *continues reading* To my little "brother" Pike or

@PokeDragon17, the little smartass I hate and love at the same time, I leave my lifetime supply of cake.

Pike: YUS!

Sora: And a Frozen Tuna to the head.


Pike: Ow! ;-;

Sora: To my friend who I also consider a younger brother, @ceippo or Adam, I leave a lifetime supply of chocolate

Adam: YAY!

Sora: And an arrow to the knee.

Adam: Wait-what?! *arrow shoots at his knee* ;-; Ouch.

Pike: =_= I see now. Pyro, as always, you're predictable——-

Sora: And another one for Pike and maybe Douche.

In the background: YOWCH!

@annadhamam: O_O

Sora: To my older "brother" who I love to tease and mess with, I leave a large field of grass with a hill for him to roll down, as well as all the adorable grass type Pokemon Arceus created.

Annad: Wait—-really?! *eyes sparkle*

Pyro: And a boot to the head.


Annad: ;-;

Pike: Too predictable.

Pyro: AND another one for Pike and the Douche.


Pike: *uses Umbrella as a shield* HAH! *umbrella closes and eats him*

Sora: To my dear sister Aura (, I leave a lifetime supply of icecream and an ice castle. . . . . AND a frozen tuna to the head.


Sora: And another one for Pike and the Douche!


Sora: To my little "sister" or "daughter" Sylvie (@EyeCatchingNormalVee, I leave a stuffed Sylveon because she's nice and sweet. . . . AND AN EEVEE TO THE FACE!


Sora: And two rabid ones for Pike and the Douche.


Sora: To my rival author and best friend, SMG (@shinymewgirl), I leave a shiny mew. . . AND A SKITTY TO THE FACE!


Sora: And two rabid ones in the trousers for Pike and the Douche.

*screams in the background*

Sora: to my bestie Nikki (, I leave a giant potato. . . AND an Umbreon to the face. *a squeal was heard in the background* AND two angry ones to Annad and the Douche. *scratches and roars in the background* To my friend Mahran, I leave a Badger in the trousers. . . AND two more for Rafe and the Douche.


Sora: To my two friends, Riley and Robert, I leave a scythe and cat. . . AND a Magikarp to the faces.


Sora: And a Kyogre for Pike and the Douche.

*waves in the background and water roars*

Sora: To my favorite cat, Shin, I leave a lifetime supply of onesies that are nekos. . . And a cat to the face. . . .*mewls in the background* AND two street cats for Douche. That is all, for I am dying now as I write this down, and I leave my three billion dollars to everyone. . . I left it at——-*large ink streak that leads to a troll face picture that was on the bottom right corner of the paper*o_e That is all.

There will be more if I'm bored. . .Yea, I'm bored. . .

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