Important Chapter: My Confession

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Ok... guys.. It's been quite a while since I joined, right?

I know I've been here for about two years. And i reached far. I also let out almost everything.

But the truth is, guys, I still hid a lot of shameful and deppressing secrets. Some don't matter, but right now. I know I can trust you guys.

Just some time ago Shane Dawnson posted a video. He confronted all his fans, and he admitted he's bisexual.

Love is love. Don't be afraid to be who you are. That's what he said.

So what he did made me feel braver now. So right now I'm saying it.

I'm bisexual.

Ever since I'm a kid I felt like something is not right. Sometimes I crush on guys, but mostly, i'm intrested in girls.

When I told my past friends, they were disgusted, that's why they left. I never told you guys, but I just said they left. So I'm scared of telling you or my parents.

I'm scared from the start. So I hid it,  even though I knew i'm accepted here.

But now I'm ready to tell you, but not yet feeling brave to confront my parents.

Shane is right though, don't be afraid to be who you are. And since gays are slowly being welcome to society, I feel like one day I'll be brave enough to truly be myself.

If some of you won't accept me for who I am, fine, but for those who are willing to stick with me, thank you.

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