When your school is just as done with your shit as you are with theirs

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So.... we had a Book Parade aka Cosplayers unit contest and since I took part of it, I did some really weird shit XD While others made their costumes out of cheap cardboard due to low funds, I spent a lot of shit for this project and even threw in all my old cosplay materials to recycle for our costumes XD

With the amount of stupid and weird shit I've bought to school these months, they got used to me passing by with some shit. Boy was my school surprised during preparations...

Day #1 (before preparations):

Me: *comes to school with bluetooth headphones (the ones we rarely see here) given to me by Ryan*

School Guards: Technology these days....

Day #2:

Me: *comes to school carrying a large bag filled with art supplies*

School Guards: That looks normal... for someone like you.

Me: Yea. You'll see.

School Guards: What is it this time?

Day #3:

Me: *comes to school carrying a replica of Cloud's Buster sword (Which is just about three feet, almost my size)*

School Guards: O_O

Day #4:

Me: *Comes to school wearing fighting gloves with replicas of Yang's Amber Silica*

School Guards: Seems normal

Day #4:

Me: *comes to school carrying a small volcano model for Science Report*

Day #5:

Me: *comes to school carrying Ruby's Crescent Rose*

Day #6:

Me: *comes to school wearing Yaya Dub apron*

Day #7:

Me: *comes to school carrying a large cardboard Camel*

School Guards: -__-;;

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