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I scored lots of points with my crush (JM)!

[1] I got him for exchange gift and I knew exactly what he wants.

3 points for Griffindor!

[2] He loved the gifts I bought for him.

2 points for Griffindor!

[3] I get to spend time with him and he thanked me for everything I did to him ^\\\^

3 points for Griffindor

[4] Renz and John took a picture of him for me.

1 point for Griffindor!

[5] Since I added a few messages that contain positive quotes in a jar for the gift, he read some and I told him to save the rest for later whenever he feels sad (the last one that was rolled up and colored red contains my own personal message to him. He's going to read it when he gets super depressed).

1 point for Griffindor!


-Selfie with him! (Picture in media)

-playing in the arcade with him

-Bump Car wars with him

-i get to hug him

I can now die happy x_x

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