World is Mine Misheard lyrics

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I think i'm going insane....


Sick guys is dead! Itchy button no He-man's a man!

So you are to die

Coco no he dead...

Yo knee!

So no itchy!

Eat poo, go dodge the cow!

Danny got a knee

He got a good corno

So no knee?

Chant o could not be eating photo in it

So no son?

What does she know? She took the Tony Bat?

Meat's a no no, don't go with tony gah!

And chasing down a bear

What a panda we treated out

We seen him oh

Nan dough was sleepy

Die to me

Want Canada to eat a marine

What a car

She mimi

Colt oh no can I own?

The Casino Kawaii Kitty

Say cow in there! Itchy button oh He-man-sama!

Kiss a tube playin in it

My cousin has been long gone

Water she no, I'd let her go

No penny more!

Oh... Land a fart

On my monitor in the big Greek

He muscle to me yo!

Ichigo no not out short to get it

Cold money no time to go

CHOCO CHOCO PUDDING (i was hungry when i first heard of this)

Nina, Nina, the cow magazine

Bag em on the neck

Cut a toe moping i did

What if she gawked at the letter to King Coke?

Over there! Go consume my yolk!

Balls in the tube?! So what does she want?

Sick guy is dead! Itchy button no He-man's a man!

And tony, Burger for me

The cool funny Italian

Who kneed me at the Sumo logger bath?

He knees them in the kick!

He got laid and did not heed

So he decided Paul will boot to meeeee

Paul G., nook them in the wild now die oh!


Hey baby!


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