Green Love

137 26 17

An AnnadxGrassxSun fanfic (i am soooo gonna die now)

The dark haired teen had his eyes filled with sadness as he knelt down, staring at the grass he loves so much, his heart breaking down to a million pieces as the small patch turned their back on him and faced the sun.

He felt heartbroken and unloved. He needed grass, but they didnt return the love, and instead, chose the sun. They cant live without the warmth of the sun's embrace and the soothing voice of it, and it made Annad clench his fists tightly.

"Why is it, dear grass, that you don't choose me? Am I not worthy enough for you? Am i not green enough to earn your love?"

As a response, the green plants swayed as a gentle breeze blew pass. Annad lowered his head, sighing heavily, like it was a Romeo and Juliet story, but this time, Juliet turned her back on Romeo and fell for Shakespeare.

Like grass can't live without sun, Annad cant live without grass, it's like he's addicted to a pill, instead of making him better, it kept making him ill.

"Why?... Tell me... Am I not enough for you? Do i lack chlorophyll? Is it because I am incapable of performing photosynthesis?" He demanded.

Not speaking, the grass just shrunk back. In anger, Annad stood up, looking down upon the patch of grass, and walked away, cursing under his breath.

"Pyro..." Kei whispered as she nudged her friend. The two of them ran from the tree and hid behind the bush, watching Annad walk away.

"He's going insane, huh?"

"Jokes on him, that grass is just fake grass. The real grass is on our farm." Kei commented. "That's why they wont respond."

"Just let the grassman be." Pyro chuckled.


Annad please don't kill meh D: It's better than a fanfic with Gabby or E or Pike or Adam, am i right? *dodges a sword* oh well. *runs but vines caught my leg* NUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Kei: *pulls me and tries to seperate me and the vines*If she's dying, I'm dying with her! *dramatic pose, letting go of Pyro*


Book of Burning Random Insanityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें