Plans for vacation

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I'll try to be even more active and reply to messages I haven't answered in like... months. I'm really sorry guys, I just... I'm bad at talking to people I don't know much ._. So I'm scared everytime I have to reply to someone and frantically think to myself, "what should I say?! I don't know, Pyro, this person is just smiling at PM and you're turning white!"

God help me.

So far, I survived school and planned new chapters for a few books I still haven't updated--- *gets assaulted by multiple weapons coming from seventeen directions* O.O Fuck.... I'M SORRY DX

So.. Christmas vacation is coming so I'll throw everything I have to do in the trash and update. Or finish the Arceus damned trailer while waiting.

Anyone here wanna voice act? I'm also planning on making a new trailer for BHBD and I'll Fight For You. So... If you're willing to voice act, just message me. But I still need to think of ideas so please wait for a few weeks.

Also, Adam, your voice clip. I need it. NOW.

I'm really sorry for being absent guys... I'm really tired and I got hospitalized just a few days ago due to fatigue so my parents kept pulling me from Wattpad. I'll sneak in when I have time, 'kay?

I wanna make up for all my absence. Thanks for understanding.

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