Wedding -w-

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The beautiful orchestral songs plays across the church, the birds chirped happily with joy and everyone turned silent as a beautiful figure stood outside the church door, a veil covering her radiant face as she smiled at the groom ahead of her. Everyone smiled, female relatives became tearful and emotional, Annad was checking the flowers, E is crying for the roasted ducks, Pike is held shut in a corner and Pyro is trying to strip the dress off her and put her hoodie back, only to get restrained by either plants or Xiahou Ba. (you do realize i arranged us in alphabetical order, right? XD)

Kei tries not to trip as she made her way towards the altar, the priest waiting there alongside her soon-to-be husband Joshua. He smiled at her as she clumsily and shyly approached her handsome groom.

*chapter pauses so that we can give author time to laugh and wipe her tears from laughing, banging her fists on the keyboard*

Shin was cheering for her owner and her Wattpad family smiled tearfully. Pyro grinned at Kei mischeviously and winked, then went to her friends to poke them and tease them about how excited she is for their weddings.

Kei almost tripped as soon as she reached the altar, but thankfully, she fell into a pair of strong and muscular arms. Everything around her blurred as she looked up to stare at the face of her prince.

*This chapter has been interrupted due to technical fangirl difficulties——Pfttt AHAHAHAHAHA*

They stopped for a moment as they stared at each other. The Priest awkwardly cleared his throat, pulling them back into reality, and Kei stumbled back to stand straight.

"Blah blah blah blah do you Kei take Joshua as your lawfully wedded wife—-husband! Ahem, husband!"

*I'm so sorry XD I dunno what's going on anymore XDDDDD*

"Umm.... yea." kei sweatdropped.

A few moments later of boring speeches of the priest. "You may now kiss your bride!"

Kei nervously watched as Joshua gingerly took the veil in his hands and awkwardly lifted it up, revealing her gorgeous face and smiled awkwardly at her as he removed it.

Everyone held their breaths as he leaned in, his face breaking through her personal space bubble, and Kei waited in anticipation. She closed her eyes and waited.

And waited.

"AW FUCK! JUST KISS ALREADY! THIS IS TAKING TOO LO——-MMMFFF!" Pyro waved the camera in her hand as she yelled impatiently, only to have Xiahou Ba cover her mouth by stuffing cake frosting down her mouth.

And finally they kissed.

Yadadada Hooray

Honeymoon at the beach yadayadayada they have kids that bursted out of their mango tree blahblahblah HAPPILY EVER AFTER THIS IS REVENGE FOR WRITING A PYROX E FANFIC EVEN THOUGH I BELONG TO BA AND I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS

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