I'm fucking pissed off right now

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Listen, I respect teachers and don't d anyshit about them no matter how annoying they are, but I'm really pissed off!

My history teacher is the worst fucking teacher ever! He keeps failing me, screaming at me for no apparent reason, shoves me off whenever i go to my friends to ask about our assignment, kicks me outside class during his time and calls me useless every. Single. Fucking. Day.

And just a while ago, HE FUCKING PULLED ME BY THE HAIR AND DRAGGED ME OUTSIDE.  He even calls out for me to go at him!

i don't pick fights with old pedophiles, sir.

I was so fucking pissed. he was calling me useless now nicknamed me a slut and I finally retaliated by saying: "sir, you are ten times more useless than I am! I am better off out of this school than. With. YOU as my fucking teacher."

I am really pissed off.

I hated this shitty school and he has to fucking place the icing to the cake.

Now everyday I am sent outside, if not, humiliated in front of my class as he screams at me. Sometimes he yells at Renz when he tries to sneak outside to check on me or borrow something. 

Ya know what's worse?

No matter how we all complain, we have no power over that fucking useless pathetic bald shit.

...just two more months and it's over, Pyro. You'll make it.

Keep this a secret guys... I just can't find anyone to talk to and I've been distanced from all my friends. I have no choice but to post here. I'm sorry for bothering you but I'm pissed off.

Book of Burning Random InsanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora