Earphones Solve the Problem

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Just a while ago, I went to the market. Since there are a lot of douches there that harass and bug me, I decided to wear earphones on full blast.

Thank God I did! Their leader is frustrated while trying to get my attention until he has to pull my earphones.

And take note, I just recently learned how to Z-snap. And I was in a bad mood. You guys know what happens when I'm not in the mood for morons, right?

Me: >_> What do you want?

Douche #1: I'm talking to you, you little bitch!

Me: Five words: I don't give a fuck. I don't have time to listen to a brainless douche like you. *Z-snaps him* and by the way, I suggest you should get life. You really need one.

His friend: *jaw drops* Woah. She finally talked back! You got dissed! *laughs at his friend*

Douche #1: *grits teeth*

I just plugged back my earphones and ignored them all, walking away with hands shoved in my pocket.

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