The Giving Back Challenge

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SO MANY CHALLENGES THESE DAYS .-. Oh well. So. . . I'm supposed to pick three. . . That's gonna be hard, since I have a lot of friends here. Oh well.

@LostSilverFangirl --- My very first friend and reader. I was really happy the day she commented, and I'm glad she did because she inspired me to write more. She's one of my main inspirations. We both go potato-coconuts-pokenuts in PMs and usually act like we're on crack XD I missed you, Nikki-chin *holds hands up for a hig* \(0w0)/

@shinymewgirl ---- She's also one of my first friends and readers here. She makes me laugh with her silly commentary in my first two books; A Scarred Past and Dragon's Heart. I also look up to her, even though i knew from the start she's shorter than me. *dodges an attack from Mew* I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding! XD Anyways, everytime I have a friend or fan who asks for help because they don't feel confident with their grammar, I tell them "go to shinymewgirl and see her books, I suggest you read them as well. Look. Even though she's dyslexic, she reached high, higher than me, and its proof grammar doesn't matter, it is how the story reaches the heart of readers." and that's what inspired many other young writers out there ^_^ I love ya, SMG~! *glomps* 0w0

@Serena-Daniels ---- I idolize this amazing author. Whenever I'm about to write a book or chapter, I go to her profile, examine her books, and tattoo on my mind to follow her example, to strive to become an author as good as her. I still may be at the bottom of the hill of improvements, but she's there to encourage me. Her story The Things That Define us really holds a special place in my heart and changed my view on life, which makes it one of my #1 most favorite books. Sese-senpai is also very hilarious and *hides* insane. She's a good friend ^_^

Okay. . . I'm sorry for those not included, but don't worry! ^_^ I'm gonna list down other friends who almost made the list









Okay. That is all. I'm sorry if you're not included D: I still love you all!

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