Karter Gavin

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A/N: Real fast I just wanted to say thank you all for 2K views. I know that this might not seem like much, but to me I never thought that any one would read my stuff. I am just super excited with how fast people have been reading my story. Alright, now let's get back to what you all came for, that actual story.

Wow, I have the most awesome friend in the world. Her name is Clarisse La Rue and she is a badass. Today, five people asked her out and she told them no, and they kept asking her so she punched them in the face. It broke their noses, and they had to go to the nurses office. She is truly awesome and I am so glad I am her friend.

Oh yeah, I should probably introduce myself. I am Karter Gavin, I am a senior here at Silver Stone High School. I am african american, I have dark hair and brown eyes. I am kind of the class clown in our grade here at Sliver Stone. But my girl Clarisse always protects me if I get bullied. When Clarisse first came to school about three months ago, nobody wanted to be her friend. I decided why not make a new friend, I mean she is scary and all but she can be cool.

I mean like she is wicked smart when it comes to Greek mythology. Like so smart that she corrects our teacher Mr. Bane, and he hates Clarisse for that. She is also fluent is Greek already, so she never pays attention in class. We have to take those classes because the Greek Gods and Goddesses revealed themselves to us mortals. They said they had to because their veil of separation between the mortal and godly world was starting to fall. I think that it's kinda cool but also kinda not, like having four thousand year old beings rule the earth is a little creepy but also really cool.

Alright, so I was sitting at my normal table during lunch. It had Clarisse and I and some other random kids at it. Clarisse was talking about how some punks had tried to ask her out today and how she told them she had a boyfriend, but that they wouldn't listen. I was just chilling and eating my pepperoni pizza. About three minutes of listening to Clarisse's rambling later, I saw a hispanic teen with dark hair and dark brown eyes walk up behind her. He put his finger over his lips, signaling me to be quiet and to act like nothing was happening. So I did because I had never seen this kid before and he obviously knew Clarisse.

He went up behind her and gave her a hug and whispered something in her ear. All of a sudden Clarisse's face lit up and she had a huge smile on her face. I thought to myself that she had to know this guy really well. She turned in her seat and looked at the boy.

"Oh my Gods Chris, is it really you?" Clarisse asked the boy.

"Yes it's me," said the boy now dubbed Chris.

"I can't believe it, I missed you so much," Clarisse said, then she gave Chris a kiss on the lips. Yep, this had to have been her boyfriend. Clarisse sat back in her seat and pulled Chris into the empty one next to her.

"Hi, I am Karter Gavin. I am guessing you know Clarisse," I said to the boy.

"Oh hi, I am Chris Rodriguez. I am Clarisse's boyfriend," Chris said to me.

"Karter, this is the boyfriend that I was talking about that nobody believed me about," Clarisse said to me.

"That's awesome," I said back to my friend.

"Hey Clarisse, do you want to reveal yourself so that we can go back to camp?" Chris asked his girlfriend. Clarisse was about to answer when three humongous balck dogs with ruby eyes and five half women part donkey part metal things came bursting into the room.

All the students started to scream and moved behind fallen tables and random chairs. Clarisse and Chris got up out of their chairs and both pulled spears out of nowhere, Clarisse's spear was sparking with electricity.

"How in the Hades did they find us?" Clarisse asked Chris.

"I have no clue, but we need to fight them off before they catch us off guard," Chris said.

"Alright," she said to Chris and then she ran out into the middle of the cafeteria. "Hey punks, over here," Clarisse said to the monsters.

They all looked at her and started to charge at her. She started to fight off some of the half lady things. Chris also ran into the middle of the cafeteria and started to fight the big black dogs. It was so cool, Chris and Clarisse were slicing and dicing all of the monsters, and when they would die, they would turn into gold dust. After about seven minutes of Clarisse and Chris fighting the weird monsterly beings, I came out from my hiding spot. What I saw was a huge pile of golden dust, that looked like somebody had dropped a dump truck of golden glitter and a Clarisse that was glowing red.

"Clarisse what were those things? Also why are you glowing red?" I asked my friend.

"Those were hellhounds and empousi. I am glowing red because I got the blessing of my father," Clarisse said answering my question.

"What do you mean by the blessing of your father?" asked a random student from the other side of the cafeteria.

"Punk, I mean that I am a demigod," Clarisse said, then she said, "I am Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares. Survivor of the Sea of Monsters, Returner of the Golden Fleece. Slayer of the drakon, fought in the second Titan war and the giant war. Head counselor of Cabin 5. Chris Rodriguez's Girlfriend and Heroine of Olympus." When she said that, people started to gasp and give her weird looks.

"Chris Rodriguez, son of Hermes, wander of the Labyrinth, turned and joined Kronos' side." Chris said, mumbling the last part, then he continued. "Fought in the second Titan war and the giant war, Clarisse La Rue's boyfriend."

"Well punks, we have to leave now before more monsters come to attack this school," Clarisse said to the cafeteria of students.

"We will probably never see you again, so goodbye," Chris said.

"Nice knowing you all, and if I broke your nose I am not sorry. You were being a punk and deserved it," Clarisse said.

"Wait, Clarisse. You broke peoples noses? You know that you can't do that here. You can do that all you want at camp because we can heal way faster," Chris said to Clarisse with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, I broke some boys' noses. They kept asking me out and wouldn't believe me that I had a boyfriend," Clarisse said to Chris.

"Ok then, that's fine. You told them and they didn't believe you so they probably deserved it anyways," Chris said. "Well we really need to leave now Clarisse. Plus they are playing Capture the Flag tomorrow night at Camp and I really don't want to miss," he added.

"Ok, I really do want to play capture the flag. I need revenge on Prissy and Princess for Prissy making a wave and flooding my cabin," Clarisse said. While she started to walk out of the school.

"Clarisse, you know that was an accident right?" Chris asked.

"Yes, but I like revenge," Clarise stated.

Then the couple got into a van that had the faint words 'Delphi's Strawberries' painted on the sides. They drove away from the school with music blaring so loud, I could hear them from down the street.

Clarisse and Chris were right, I never did see either of them again. Well that was until Aphrodite aired their wedding on live television. Like she did for all of her ships. I am happy that they got married and I did miss Clarisse the rest of the year. But I am glad that I got to meet her, she was super cool. I just hope that she remembers me.

Authors note-

Hey, how are you doing. I just want to say something funny real quick, when I was trying to spell author I had a complete brain blank and I could not think of how to spell anything. I also wanted to thank all of you again for 2K reads. That just makes me super happy. I am writing the next chapter and I am so excited to post it because it is one of my favorites. Hope you are liking my work. Word count is 1479 words. Have an amazhang day, bye cupcakes!

-The writer, Kate 

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