Kaylen Hyde

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Hi, I'm Kaylen Hyde, I have short dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I am a, well I don't really know what group I fit into here at Des Valley High. I take honors classes and have pretty good grades but I am not a nerd or a geek. I have lots of friends but I am not popular. If I would have to pick I would say a middle class man or a floater because I hang out with a bunch of different groups of people.

I have a crush on my best friend, his name is Frank Zhang. He is an Asian boy with close cropped dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He is very tall and muscular but he has a baby face which makes him very cute. I am gonna try to ask him out after school. I hope he says yes, even though he claims he has a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure he says that because he wants me.

I was called down to the office today to show around a new student. When I got to the office I saw a girl with chocolate brown skin, cinnamon curls and twenty four karat gold eyes, like not yellow gold but like gold gold. She had the most flawless skin and looked like a model.

"Hi, I'm Kaylen Hyde, I will be your guide for today." I said

"Hi, I'm Hazel Levesque, could you please read me my schedule?" She asked me, "I have dyslexia and it makes it hard for me to read it," she said.

"Of course. You have all of your classes with me except you have Greek and I have Spanish," I said.

"Ok cool, could you show me to my locker?" She asked.

"Sure, right this way," I said.

++++++++++++++++++++++++Time skip to lunch+++++++++++++++++++++

"We can just sit with my friends," I said to Hazel.

"Ok, sounds good," she said responding.

"Let's go over here," I said leading her to my table ,"Hazel, this is Asher, Ellie, Macie, Cooper and Frank." Her head snapped up at attention at the name Frank.

"Hazel?" Frank asked.

"Frank?" Hazel asked.

"Oh my gods, I missed you so much," he said while he got out of his seat and made his way towards the new girl.

"I know, I wanted to come surprise you because I really missed you," she said. They hugged each other and then they kissed each other on the lips and I repeat on the lips.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked.

"Guys this is Hazel, she is my girlfriend. The one I have been talking about and the one that nobody believes," Frank said answering me.

"Wait how do you guys even know each other?" Asher asked them.

"We met at summer camp and have been dating for about a year," Hazel said answering Asher's question.

I was just about to ask another question, when two half ladies with one metal leg and one donkey leg came crashing into the lunch room. Hazel pulled out some sort of sword and Frank had a bow and a quiver appear out of nowhere. They went up to the weird ladies and started talking to them.

"Let me guess you are Kelli and Tammi, the Empousi that Percy banished to Tartarus," Frank said.

"Ah, you are friendssss with the son of Poseidon. That Percyyyy was rude for banishing us into the pits of Tartarusssss, but good thing we reincarnated," said one of the ladies.

"Oh Kelli, I am more than a friend to Percy. I am his cousin on the godly side," said Hazel and then she stabbed the other empousi who must have been Tammi. She disappeared into a pile of gold dust.

"How dare you, daughter of Pluto. I will get you back," Kelli said and then Frank shot her in the heart with an arrow. Kelli disappeared into a pile of gold dust as well.

"What was that and what just happend?" asked a random student.

"Those were empousi, Tammi and Kelli to be exact," said Frank.

"We are demigods, I am Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, Roman form Hades. One of the seven in the prophecy of seven. Helped return the Fifth Cohorts golden eagle. Tamer of Arion the fastest horse. Manipulator of the mist. Centurion of the Twelfth Legion. Girlfriend of Frank Zhang. Heroine of Olympus," said Hazel.

"Frank Zhang, son of Mars, Roman form Ares. Descendant of Poseidon and a shapeshifter. One of the seven in the prophecy of seven. Helped return the Fifth Cohorts golden eagle. Praetor of the Twelfth Legion. Boyfriend of Hazel Levesque. Hero of Olympus," Frank said.

"We will be going now and you probably won't see us again. So we hope you guys have a great life," Hazel said, then they walked out of the building.

I never did see them again. I also never got to ask out Frank but it's all cool because Asher asked me out that day after school and we have been together ever since. I would have never gotten with Asher if it wasn't for them.

Authors Note

Kaylen Hyde is a real person, you guys should go check out her Wattpad @Kaylenhyde.

Hope You all liked this one. My friend Kaylen wanted me to use her name for this one. I hope you guys have a good day. Make sure to vote and comment. Thanks guys! Word count is 910 words.

-The best, Kate

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