Kyle Emerson

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A/n: Hi, I am really sorry that I haven't updated in like a week. School has been super crazy and my stress levels are through the roof right now. I will talk more in my other authors note so let's get back to what you came for, the chapter.

Hi, I'm Kyle Emerson and no I am not a boy, I just have a boys name, so please don't ask. I am a junior here at Water Fall High School. I have short, straight, dark brown hair and brownish green eyes. One of my closest friends at school is Calypso Moonlace. She is pretty cool, she likes to build, garden and to sew. She claims that she has a boyfriend which I kinda believe but most kids at school don't believe her.

I am really obsessed with Greek and Roman mythology and when the Gods and Goddesses revealed themselves five and a half months ago I could not believe it. Like the one thing that I am obsessed with is now real. Calypso also knows a lot about Greek mythology and when I say a lot I mean a lot. She knows more than me and I have been studying the topic since the fifth grade. She will even correct the teacher some days. Another cool thing about her is that she is fluent in Greek which is awesome.

I really don't want to go to class today because I am really tired and I am lacking my mental sanity and stability (same girl, same). But the only reason that I am here today is because I have Greek and Greek mythology as two out of my four blocks. Which means that half of my day is Greek related. Except I have gym today which I hate gym with the biggest passion there is. I also have all my classes with Calypso today which is good.

I have to get on my way Greek or else I am going to late, and Mrs. Melladene will get mad at me. I really don't want to get a detention just because I was late to class. I hurried down the hall because there was only two minutes left until the bell rang. I got to Mrs. Melladene's class right before the bell rang. I sat in my seat which was right next to Calypso's desk.

"Alright class, today we are just going to be working on simple sentences in Greek. Like how to introduce yourself, or how to ask where something is." Mrs. Melladene said with a sickly sweet smile on her face. I huffed because we had been doing simple sentences for two weeks now and I wanted to get on with the lesson.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Time Skip to the end of class }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

When the bell finally rang, ninety minutes later. I got out of my chair and headed to my shop class (It's like a woodworking/construction/building class) while talking to Calypso about how boring Greek was today. Even though I love Greek, there can be some boring days. When we walked into class, there was a scrawny teenage boy standing at the front of the room. He was writing his name on the board. Mr. McDaniels must be gone and this kid must be our sub.

When Calypso walked in she froze in the doorway. Her eyes locking on the latino elf. When she finally snapped out of it she sat down. I wonder what that was about. I sat down as well and heard her muttering something under her breath along the lines of "Leonidas, what is he doing here. Repair boy is going to feel my wrath when we get back to camp." Huh that's a weird thing to say. When the bell rang everyone became silent.

"Hi everyone, I'm Mr. Valdez and I will be your substitute teacher for today. Mr. McDaniels is out sick today or else he would be here. I know that I look young but I am very qualified for the job." Mr. Valdez said with a mischievous grin on his face that could easily rival some of the class clown's here. "Now today we are going to-" Mr. Valdez was saying when five hellhounds burst into the classroom. Oh my god, I never thought that I would ever get to see a hellhound in real life and now I have. Then I realized that the hellhounds were going after Mr. Valdez.

When the hellhounds would have pounced on him, he pulled out a hammer out of the tool belt that was around his waist. Wait since when did he have a tool belt on? He started fighting off the dogs, and then he lit his hand on fire. OMG HE LIT HIS HAND ON FIRE! But the thing was he wasn't burning or anything, it was like he was fireproof. All of the sudden, Calypso got out of her seat and started to fight off the hellhounds as well. What was she thinking, she is going to get herself killed.

After about ten minutes of Mr. Valdez and Calypso fighting off the hellhounds, there were no more hellhounds but just a large pile of golden dust. Which I am assuming is the remains of the monsters after they were banished back into Tartarus. Everyone was silent for a good two minutes afterward, then someone finally spoke up.

"What the hell just happened?" asked a kid from the back of the classroom.

"Calypso and I just fought and killed some hellhounds because they were attacking us." Mr. Valdez said to the kid, keeping a straight face the entire time.

"Yeah I noticed that but why did the monster thingy come after you guys? Are you guys those demigod people?" The kid asked Mr. Valdez, in a super confused tone.

"I am a demigod. I am Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, the first fire user since 1666 and I'm immune to fire, one of the seven, drank the physician's cure, only visitor of Ogygia twice, rescuer of Calypso, freer of Hera. Blew us Gaea with my fire powers. Builder of the Argo two and Fetus the metal dragon, killed many monsters. Fought in the giant war, Cabin nine's head counselor, Hero of Olympus, Dating Calypso." Mr. Valdez or should I call him Leo, I really don't know.

"I am not a demigod. I am Calypso, daughter of Atlas, I am the Titaness that was enslaved on the island of Ogygia for thousands of years. I fought in the first Titan war, dating Leo Valdez." Calypso said, my mouth dropped. I was friends with a Titaness, but how. I am just a lowlife mortal who has nothing cool about them at all. I just don't know what to say about that and plus having a demigod as my substitute teacher. Like what are the odds, I am glad that I came to school today.

"Well we have to leave soon because if we don't, more monsters will come and attack us because when there is one monster there are many." Calypso said, Leo/Mr. Valdez joining in with her on the last part.

"Yeah, so see you never mortals. Have a great life. Although it would have been cool to be your substitute teach, we really have to leave." Leo said, I decided I am just calling him Leo from now on.

"This is goodbye. Now repair boy how are we going to get back to camp?" Calypso said as the couple walked out the classroom door. The whole class followed them because we wanted to hear their conversation.

"Oh Sunshine, you doubt my abilities to have a good plan. I brought my car so that we could ride to camp in style. What do you say?" He asked his girlfriend.

"Oh come on, let's just leave so that we can get to camp by tomorrow. I wanna see everyone and I heard that campfire is tomorrow night so I want to be there. Now let's get a move on." Calypso said while they walked out of the building.

"Ok Caly, but we might have to make a stop to pick up The Stolls and Katie." Leo said as he opened the passenger car door to a really fancy car with flame decals on it.

"What did they do this time," asked Calypso.

"Pranks, pranks, stealing stuff and more pranks," Leo said.

"So the usual," she said, like this was an everyday occurrence.

"Yup, now let's get going so that we can go pick them up." Leo said as he got in the drivers side of the car. Then he started the car and they pulled out of the parking lot at top speed.

I never did see Calypso or Leo again. But it was cool to meet a demigod and a Titaness. I wish I could have gotten to know Calypso better though, she seemed really cool. Oh well, I will just have to go back to living in my very boring mortal world.

Authors note-

Hey, I'm back!

Sorry guys, I have been super busy with school. I mean I had biology notes that took over two hours to do this week. I am just really tired and stressed. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, another reason I haven't posted in a little was because I was updating my other story and because I have had a bit of a writer's block for this book. But I am back and that is all that matters. Man my arms hurt from typing like a madman for the past two hours, just so that I could post something. Word count is 1628 words. Well I love you all and hope you are doing well. Bye Cupcakes!

-Your sleep deprived author, Kate. 

Mortals Meet the Demigods (No Mist)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें