Jeremy Longhoffer

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Hi, I have a crush on a girl. She has grass green eyes and long potato brown hair. Her name is Katie Gardner. She loves flowers, gardening and agriculture. She always wears an Orange shirt with the words Camp Half-Blood with a pegasus on it. She always talks about this camp that she goes to and how it's for kids with ADHD and dyslexia.

Anddd I totally got distracted by her and forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jeremy Longhoffer, I have brown hair and green eyes. I'm a nerd here at Reimer High School. Katie is like my only friend. Well I have some others but I only really like to hang out with Katie because she is the most entertaining.

I'm going to ask her out after our Greek Mythology class today. We have that class because the Greek Gods and Goddesses revealed themselves about 3 months ago. The class can be quite boring and really confusing. But Katie seems to know the answers to about every question and she can also speak fluent Greek. Sometimes she will even correct the teacher.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Time Skip to Greek Mythology Class Sponsored by Annabeth's Fear of Spiders }}}}}}}}}}}}}}

In Greek Mythology class today we were learning about the Goddess Demeter. Katie seemed to know everything about her (Hm I wonder why). Even though she wasn't paying attention she was getting all the questions right. Katie even corrected the teacher six times today during class. Setting a new record for herself on how many times she could correct the teacher.

We have this one rule in class where if your phone rings you have to put it on speaker mode and answer it in front of the class. About 10 minutes until class was over. Somebody's phone started ringing. I looked over and saw Katie blushing and found out It was Katie's that was ringing. She put it on speaker mode and answered it in front of the class.

    (K:Katie and T:Travis)

T: Hey Katie-Kat.

K: Hi Travis, I'm in the middle of Greek Mythology class. What do you need?

T: I just wanted to say hello to my beautiful girlfriend.

K: That's so sweet but really Travis, what are you really calling for. I know you need something, I hear it in your voice. I have know you long enough to know when you need something.

T: I kinda have a hellhound chasing me and might or will be coming through the window in 3...2...1...

Katie hung up her phone and put it back in her bag. All of a sudden the boy Katie was on the phone with came crashing through the window, spraying glass shards everywhere. Then this large black dog thing with ruby red eyes came in after the boy.

The boy who I assume is Travis, got up and started fighting the monstrous beast. Katie got up from the floor and pulled a dagger out of her boot. What is she doing? Is she crazy? I asked myself. She started to fight the dog as well. After about 5 minutes of watching them fight the dog it exploded in to golden dust.

"Who are you?" asked our teacher.

"I am Travis Stoll, son of Hermes, I fought in the second Titan war and the giant war. Cabin 11's co head counselor. Hero of Olympus. Katie Gardner's Boyfriend." Travis said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter. I fought in the second Titan war and the giant war. Cabin 4's head counselor. Heroine of Olympus, Travis Stoll's Girlfriend." Katie said, When they were done talking they both had on Greek battle armor.

"Wait you were a demigod this whole time?" I asked Katie.

"Yes, the Gods and Goddesses were making us come to school and to make us have a semi normal life." Katie said, "Now before we leave, Travis empty your pockets. I know you stole stuff so do not try to lie unless you want to see raging Percy."

"Come on Katie-Kat I almost got away. But raging Percy is very scary so I will give them their stuff back." Travis said, as he took wallets, phones and car keys out of his pockets.

"Travis, you know we can not have mortal phones. They attract monsters. How many times do I have to tell you that." Katie said to her boyfriend, while smacking him upside the head.

"I know, I know. Leo wanted me to bring some to Camp, so that he could tinker with them." Travis said back to his girlfriend.

"How did you do that? How did you steal all of our stuff with our us noticing?" I asked.

"I'm a son of the god of thieves and travelers, which means I can steal stuff without you noticing," Travis said.

"See you never," They said together and jumped out the second story window. They were right. I never saw them again.

Authors Note

Hello, It's me, your author Kate. I just started school so it might take me longer to upload new parts. But I will still try to do one a week. Hope y'all like this one. Word count is 864 words.

-Kate ;)

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