Grant Dawson

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 Hey, what's up? I'm Grant, Grant Dawson and I am a senior here at Oliver Wood High School, OW for short. I have dark brown hair, light blue eyes and slightly tan skin. I have two friends here at OW, their name's are Clarisse La Rue and Chris Rodriguez. And no, I do not have a crush on Clarisse so please don't ask me if I do.

I have to start off my school day with the most horrendous class, Physical Education. I normally like P.E. but I don't like having it as my first class of the day cause it makes me all smelly and sweaty. The only good thing about P.E. is that I have it with Clarisse and Chris, so it's not boring. Well, I am off to class because I really do not want to be late.

I walked into the locker room and changed into my gym clothes. Then I walked into the gym and headed over to stand by Chris. I was about to talk to him when the gym door opened. In walked a tall man with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He strode to the middle of the gym and cleared his throat.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Boar and I will be your substitute P.E. teacher today. For class we will be doing a timed obstacle course." He said, a stern look on his face. I looked over at my friends and Clarisse was completely red and the face and staring at the floor and Chris was avoiding eye contact with the sub.

"Well come on, the obstacle course is not going to build itself. Move your lazy asses and come help." Mr. Boar said, determination in his voice. The whole class went over to the gym closet and started grabbing random things to build the obstacle course with. After about five minutes of setting things up we had a pretty good obstacle course.

"Now, who would like to go first?" Mr. Boar questioned, six hands immediately shot into the air. "Rodriguez you first, let's see if you have inherited any of your fathers speed," Mr. Boar said with a slight smile on his face. Chris walked up to the beginning of the course and studied it. Then he looked back at Mr. Boar to signal that he was ready.

"3..2..1.. Go," Mr. Boar shouted, his voice resonated throughout the gym. Chris broke into a sprint and started to attack the course at amazing speed. He finished it in an astounding 10.4 seconds. "Rodriguez, looks like you are not as fast as your old man. La Rue you are next, lets see if you can beat Chris." Mr. Boar said, staring at Clarisse. She walked up to the start of the course and signaled for the time to start.

"3..2..1.. Go," Mr. Boar yelled again, his voice bouncing off the gym walls. Clarisse was almost halfway done when everyone finally noticed how far she had gotten. Once she finished she jogged over to Mr. Boar. "La Rue, 6.7 seconds. I bet you could beat Percy and Annabeth with that time." He said, a smile on his face. Clarisse blushed deep red and Chris just continued to stare at his feet.

"Shut up," Clarisse said playfully while she gave Mr. Boar a slight shove. He gave a slight chuckle and shoved her back a little.

"Do you two know each other of something. Because you said something about Chris' dad and then something about a Percy and Annabeth." A girl said from the back of the class, confusion in her voice. Everyone in the class turned to look at the girl who asked the question and she just looked back at the substitute.

"Yes, I do personally know Chris and Clarisse. Clarisse is my daughter and Chris is her boyfriend. Chris' dad is also my half brother and before you get all disgusted by them dating and all let me explain. Mr. Boar is not my real name. I am actually Ares the God of war and bloodshed, son of Hera and Zeus. I am one of the twelve Olympians and I am dating Aphrodite." Mr. Boar who is actually Ares said. All the students stood gobsmacked and no one said a word for a good minute till Clarisse spoke up.

"Nice one dad, now Chris and I have to reveal ourselves. And we have to leave the school afterwards which sucks because I actually was starting to like this one. But I guess we do get to go back to camp if we reveal ourselves so I guess we will. Well I guess I will just go first since I am already talking. Hi, hello, I am Clarisse La Rue for those of you who do not know me. I am a daughter of Ares. Survivor of the Sea of Monsters, returner of the Golden Fleece. Slayer of the drakon, fought in the second Titan war and the giant war. Head counselor of Cabin 5. Chris Rodriguez's Girlfriend and Heroine of Olympus." Clarisse said, she was giving mean looks to her father and then she looked at Chris when he started to talk.

"Hi everyone, I am Chris Rodriguez, son of Hermes, wander of the Labyrinth, turned and joined Kronos' side." Chris said, mumbling the last part, then he continued. "Fought in the second Titan war and the giant war, Clarisse La Rue's boyfriend."

"Now that that is over," Clarisse said, turning her attention to Ares, "Can you give Chris and I transportation to Camp? I really don't want to drive over there because we are hours away. Plus Capture the flag is tonight and you know how much I love capture the flag. Maybe I could even get Percy and Annabeth on my team so that we win."

"Ok fine, but only because I want you to win capture the flag. Plus your brother Sherman can't keep your other siblings in order like you can and I think Chiron might go crazy soon." Ares said, a small grin plastered on his scary face.

"Thank you, and yes I know that Sherman will never be as good as me. Dad can we get going now, Chris and I want to see our friends. Plus we need to make sure the Stolls have not ransacked our stuff." Clarisse said, looking over at Chris.

"Yeah I don't want my brothers to have stolen or pranked all my belongings," Chris added.

"Oh yes good idea. Well let's get going." Ares said, signaling to Chris and Clarisse to follow him.

"Well, see you never, it was nice meeting you all," Chris said, waving meekly. They walked to the edge of the gym and Chris and Clarisse each put a hand on Ares' arms.

"Look away unless you want to be blinded," Clarisse said. All the students looked away. Then there was a bright flash of gold light. Once it died down we all looked back and Ares, Chris and Clarisse were nowhere to be seen.

"Well that was weird," I said nonchalantly.

"Well it's not like we meet demigods and an Olympian God everyday," said a boy from the back of the class.

"Let's go to the office because we have no teacher now and two students just left," said the girl from the back of the class. I think her name is Marlene or something like that.

"Ok, come on let's go," I said. We all walked out of the gym and down the hall to the office.

I never did see my friends Chris and Clarisse again. I was mad at first when they left, but I made some new ones. Looking back, that day was honestly very weird. I mean having the God of war as a substitute gym teacher.

Authors note-

Hi, I am so sorry for not updating. I had a whole chapter typed and it deleted so I had to start over. And over December I had taken a break to spend time with my family because it was the holiday season. But I am back and I have ideas for three more chapters so I hope to update in the next few weeks. And my other book only has two chapters left to type so I will just focus on this one once I finish my other one. The word count of this chapter is 1419 words. I hope you all are doing well. I will see you soon. I love you all. Bye Cupcakes!

-Kate ⚔️ ✨

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