Remi Sloane

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A/N: It gets better as the story goes, so please dont give up on it and read thought it please. 

Hello there, I am Remi Sloane. I go to San Francisco University. I have black curly hair, dark skin and dark brown eyes. I am best friends and roommates with a girl named Piper McLean. Yes, she is the daughter of the actor Tristan McLean. Piper is the nicest person ever and today her boyfriend is in town and will be visiting. I can not wait to meet him.

I was sitting at my desk, in my dorm room doing some homework for my Intro into Anatomy class when there was a knock on the door. I didn't think anything of it because it was like three in the afternoon. I got up from my desk chair and made my way to the door. When I opened the door there was a man who was about six feet tall, tan, had cropped blond hair, bright blue eyes that looked like they had a lighting storm inside them and had a small white scar on his top lip.

"Hi, um is Piper McLean here right now?" asked the mystery man.

"She is not here right now, but I am her roommate. I can take a message for you and tell her that you stopped by though," I said to the man.

"No thanks. Piper said that she would meet me here at her dorm at three. I'm Jason by the way," said the man whose name is now Jason.

"Her class probably got held late. I am Remi by the way. You can come in and wait for her if you would like to." I said back to Jason.

"Nice to meet you. That would be great if I could wait for her," Jason stated.

"Alright, come on in. Piper's side is on the left and if you need the bathroom there should be one down the hall," I said.

"Thank you again," Jason said with a smile on his face. He walked in and sat down on Piper's bed and looked around the room. I decided this would be a good time to ask him how he knew Piper. I was about to when the lock to the door turned and the door opened revealing and exhausted Piper. She looked around the dorm and when her eyes landed on Jason, her face lit up.

"Sparky, you're here," Piper said to the boy.

"Of course I am here Beauty Queen. Why wouldn't I be," Jason said to my roommate. I thought to myself that they must have know each other pretty well to have nicknames for the other person. 

"I don't know, I just have missed you so much." Piper said while she walked over to Jason.

"I missed you so much too, Camp is so boring without you. I mean with Annabeth being pregnant again Percy is in dad mode, especially because its twins this time and Hazel and Frank just getting engaged. Also with Nico and Will being newlyweds. Also I forgot to tell you Travis and Katie got engaged as well, and Clarisse and Chris set a date for their wedding." Jason said to Piper.

"Oh my gods, they finally got engaged. I am so happy! Also with Clarisse and Chris finally picking a date, Annabeth and I can start to plan the wedding." Piper said. She hugged Jason and then gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"I am sorry to intrude on your guyses moment, but are you dating and Piper is this your boyfriend that you were going to introduce me to?" I asked them.

"Oh yeah Remi, I totally forgot to introduce you to Jason. Jason this is my roommate Remi and Remi this is my Fiancé Jason." Piper said to me, answering my question.

"Wait, you're engaged?" I asked, completely confused.

"Yeah, I have been for six months. Jason and I had been dating for three years before." Piper said to me, answering another question I had asked.

"When did you guys meet?" I asked yet another question.

"At school, on a field trip to the grand canyon." Jason said, answering me this time. I was about to ask another question when a giant black dog the size of a garbage truck with eyes the color of rubies, leaped into the room. It was snarling and growling, it started to lunge at Jason and Piper. The thing is that Jason was fighting it off with a sword and Piper was fighting with a dagger. After about three minutes of them fighting the monstrous thing that looked like it was from Greek mythology, it exploded into gold dust.

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