Alena Johana Duplantier

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Hello, my name is Alena Johanna Duplantier, and before you ask my last name is pronounced dew-plon-tee-yay. I go by AJ instead of Alena Johanna. I am a junior here at Long Island College. I have wavy red-ish blonde hair, tan skin, and blue eyes. I am a quiet girl who sits at the back of the class who likes to observe everything and anything.

On my way to my Marine biology class I ran into my friend Percy. "Oh Hello Percy, how are you today?" 

"Oh hi AJ. I am a little nervous but I am doing just fine." Percy answered, I could see a look of nervousness on his face. 

"Why are you nervous?" I asked, a little concerned. 

"Oh no reason, I am just nervous," Percy responded, he put a big smile onto his face. He had Marine Biology next too so we walked the rest of the way to class in silence. Once in the room we both took out seats. I sat in the back of the classroom, Percy sat right next to the door, an anxious look on his face. 

A minute before class started Professor Wilson walked in. He was a short man with dark hair and a mean temper. I dont even know why he teaches when he is always so mad. He cleared his throat and started todays lesson. 

__________________________ Time skip to later in the class ____________________________

There was a rapid knock on the shut classroom door, it opened and in walked a Cherokee girl, her eyes scanning the room. 

"Hi, is Percy Jackson in this class?" The girl asked.

"Excuse me, can't you tell that I am trying to teach? Unless this is a life or death situation please leave my classroom." Professor Wilson said sternly.

"Well, it is so Percy here or not?" The girl asked again, clearly frustrated.

"Piper I am right here what the hell do you need?" Percy asked, a look on his face but I could not make out what it was.

"It's happening," was all that the girl named Piper said.

"Wait are you serious?" Percy asked urgently.

"Yes, now get your ass to the hospital, Annabeth would be so fucking pissed if you were not there," Piper said, a small look of amusement on her face as she watched Percy pack up his materials quickly.

"Where do you think you are going, young man?" Professor Wilson asked, a hard look on his face.

"The hospital up the street where my friend Will works," Percy said nonchalantly.

"Why? You can't just get up and leave this class because this girl told you that something is happening." Professor Wilson said, he had gotten up from where he was seated. 

"Well if you really need to know, my wife is going into labor with our twins," Percy said, anger in his voice. The whole class looked at him in shock. 

"No way that you are married. You are probably just talking about some girl that you got pregnant on a one night stand." Professor Wilson said, his brow furrowed.

"No, I do have a wife. Her name is Annabeth and we have been best friends since we were twelve and we started dating on my sixteenth birthday. Now please let me leave so that my wife won't beat my ass when this is all sudden done." Percy snapped, his cool composure broken.

"Percy calm the hell down, do I need to put Sally on the phone?" Piper asked, she signaled to a golden coin in her hand.

"No, it's fine. Thank you, Piper. I really didn't want to do this because I wanted to keep studying here but I guess I have to. Piper, you will too. Do you mind saying mine too so that I can get to the hospital?" Percy said, a mixture of emotion on his face.

"No problem Percy, just make sure to call me when it's happening. I wanna be there when little Zoë and Charles come along." Piper said, her face lighting up about the last part.

"Of course. I will see you later." Percy said, then he bolted out of the room.

"Hi everyone. For those of you who didn't catch my name, I am Piper McLean. I am now gonna tell you my title and Percy's title so that I can get the hell outta here. I am the daughter of Tristan McLean and Aphrodite. One of the Seven. Head counselor of Cabin ten. Freer of Hera. Retriever of Achelous' horn. Wielder of Katropis. Best charm speaker. Charmspoke Gaea back to sleep. Heroine of Olympus. Engaged to Jason Grace." Piper said, she took a long breath and then started to talk again.

"And the man who just ran out of the room is Perseus 'Percy' Jackson, son of Poseidon, Returner of Zeus's Master Bolt, Returner of Hades Helm of Darkness. Defeater of Ares at age twelve. Defeater of the Mintour at age twelve. Defeater of Medusa at age twelve. Survivor of the Sea of monsters. Returner of the Golden Fleece. Made it off of Circe's Island. Survived through the Sirens. Wander of the Labyrinth. Defeated many Empousi. Percy found Pan the lord of the wild and watched him fade. Blew up Mt. St. Helens. Lead the battle of Manhattan. Bathed in the River Styx. Been to the Underworld and back multiple times. He was the main demigod in the Great Prophecy and one of the seven in the Prophecy of seven. He drank gorgon blood. He freed the god Thanatos. Returned the Fifth cohort's golden eagle. Survivor of Tartarus which is the deepest part of the underworld. Drank from the river Phlegethon. Survived the curses of the arai. Survived the Death Mist. Became friends with the friendly Titan Bob and the friendly giant Damson. Lead the second Titan war and the giant war. He held up the weight of the sky. He is the only male that Artemis approves of. Percy was offered immortality by Zeus himself, and he turned it down to stay with the love of his life. He is also the best swordsman in 300 years. He became Praetor of Camp Jupiter in five days. Head counselor of cabin three. Two-time hero of Olympus. He is Annabeth Jackson's Husband and soon to be father of Zoë Grace and Charles Beckendorf." 

All the students sat gobsmacked in their seats, including me.

"Well I gotta bounce, see you never!" Piper said very enthusaticly. 

Piper ran out the door and sprinted down the hall. I never did see her or Percy again. But I mean when you are a demigod a guess you have to move around a lot.  

Authors note- 

Hi, what if I told you all that I wrote this backwards. I mean I wrote the part where Piper came in to the end and then I wrote the rest of it. I am sorry for the wait on this chapter I have just had a shit ton of homework. It has also been very cold here where I love which has given me no motivation to write because I just want to curl up and watch a movie. I hope to make another chapter for this book within the next month but I don't know if that will happen because I have a lot of personal things happening right now. The word count for this chapter 1304 is words. Also go check out my demigods time travel book, I just posted the final chapter of it last week. Have a great day and always feel free to pm or chat with me. See you all soon! Bye Cupcakes! 

Side note, if you watch Attack on Titan. Have y'all seen all of season 4? If so is your mental health holding up because mine is not. 

- Kate 🏵 🧡

Mortals Meet the Demigods (No Mist)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora