My Star, Forever With You

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"Hhmm..." (y/n) just humming alone while swinging her legs along with the rhythm. She's doing what she likes the most, star gazing. "When will my time comes? I miss you... My Star..."

"Oka-san, you're still awake? It's very late now..."

"Hhmm..." She just ignores the voice and continue with her activity.

"Oka-san... You miss Oto-san, right?"

"Hhmmm... My darling, Hikari... There's not even a moment passed by without me missing him... But, I'm not sad..." She said to her beloved son.


A little girl came by and hugs Hikari from behind. She looks so much like her father, Hikari. "Baachan... You're here too!" She switches her position and sit on her grandmother's lap.

"Of course I'm here, dear... Why are you still up, Harumi?" She asks her granddaughter.

"I'm counting the stars, Baachan. The stars are so pretty. I love them so much!" That young cute girl tells her grandmother enthusiastically.

"Is that so... Then, shall we watch the stars together then, my dear?" She says while stroking the little girl's hair gently. "Ojichan is watching the stars with us too... But now... He's one of the stars now... The brightest one..."

"Oka-san... It's already late..." Hikari tries to let his mother sleep. She's always like this since his father passed away 2 years ago because of old age. But, he respects her mother a lot, she didn't cry when her beloved husband leaves her forever. She didn't cry because she keep saying that Kakashi is still with her, watching the stars with her every night. Now, all of his siblings are already married and that same goes with him. He got married 5 years ago and now, he got a son and a daughter. Hikari is the only one who's still living in their house while Kenshi and Hoshi already have their own house in Konoha. They're currently living with their families as well. (y/n)'s sons are so good, they visit her every single day and that makes her so happy to have the boys as her children.

"Oka-san? Hikari, what are you doing right now? It's very late."

"Oka-san!" Hoshi came behind his mother and hug her tightly.

"Kenshi... Hoshi... Aren't you supposed to be with your family?" Their mother asks.

"Eehh... Ka-san is my family too... And I love her son much! My beloved mother!" Hoshi says while snuggling into her mother's neck.

Eventhough her mother's (h/c) locks are now grey and white, her sons keep saying that she's the prettiest angel on the earth. What a good children they are.

"Uncle Hoshi, Uncle Kenshi, are Akari, Hoshimi, Hatsumi and Keiko here too?" Harumi asks her uncles.

"Of course. Can we stay the night here,  Oka-san?" Hoshi continue to ask her. He's really close with her mother.

"Sure, darling... Umm... Can the three of you come with me for a while?" She slowly get up from her seat and walks slowly to the family room.

The three brothers are so confuse with that out of sudden. But, they still follow after her mother and shut the door behind them.

"Sit, my darlings..." She calls them.

"Something wrong, Ka-san?" Kenshi asks.

"You know... I'm too old right now and I might die at any moment now..." She starts.

"Ka-san... Please don't say anything like that... We're here to take care of you... We can protect you." Hikari says. He's clearly doesn't like where this conversation is going.

The Star Of My Life. (Kakashi x Reader x Itachi)Where stories live. Discover now