Dreams Come True

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"Here! Bite me!"

She just listened and do what she told too. After a while, she finally regained her consciousness back.

"My body..."

"Don't force yourself too much, (y/n). We just need to believe in them..."

That voice. She knew it very well. "Kabuto?"

"Your condition was pretty bad and you doesn't seem to have any hopes left... You're so lucky that I can make you come back with Karin's and Kabuto's help..."

"I see... Thank you, Tsunade-sama, Karin, Kabuto..." She looked around and she knew that the war is still on going. "Where's Kakashi-kun?" (y/n) get up slowly but suddenly, a bright light was projected into everyone's sight and making them immobile.

'What is this? I can't move!'


(Your POV)

I woke up because of the sunlight struck my eyes. I moved to change my position, lying on the other side and trying to go back to sleep.

"(y/n)! Wake up, honey! It's almost noon!"

I can hear Oka-sama's voice clearly and I forced myself to wake up from my bed. I glanced at my window before I open it. It's true, it's already noon. I grabbed my towel and some clothes before I went out for cleaning myself up. After that, I went straight to the kitchen and looked at Oka-sama.

"What's for lunch, Oka-sama?" I asked while my stomach growls showing that I'm very hungry.

"Curry!" Oka-sama said while smiling at me.

Yes, Oka-sama is always happy and she loves to talk a lot. That's where Nii-san got his personality. He's just the same as Oka-sama while me... I can say that I got it from Oto-sama. Quiet, calm, introvert, yeah... I got it from him. While Iori, he's balance.

"Can you call your brothers and Oto-sama, honey? I will set the plate now..." Oka-sama asked while saying her phrase in a sing song way.

"Hn. Sure, Oka-sama." I walked away and head to the front yard. I saw Nii-san was practicing his Kenjutsu using a wooden sword and a dummy while Iori was repairing his kunai.

"Nee-san! Morning!" Iori greeted me but I can consider it as an insult because it's not even morning right now.

"Hah! Morning? It's already pass afternoon, (y/n)! Let's sparr!" Nii-san said with his usual happy-go-lucky self.

"Maybe later... Oka-sama called us for lunch..." I said and walked away. I know they will run into the kitchen and immediately sit down at the table. I went to the library and knocked the door.

"Oto-sama... Oka-sama said that the lunch is ready..."

The door opened and Oto-sama stood in front of me. He smiled at me, but he still looks serious for me, he tapped my shoulder and said, "Let's go, (y/n)." I just nodded and we went to the dining table. After finishing the lunch, we rested at the living room as a family. It's just a usual activity for us.

"When will you start your shift today, Akane?" Oto-sama asked while cleaning his sword.

"6 pm..." Oka-sama answered while sewing Nii-san's cape. He ripped it during his mission yesterday.

"Nee-san, how do you perform this kind of jutsu?" Iori asked while showing me the scroll that he was reading.

"Owh... Like this... And then... " I showed Iori how to do it and he smiled broadly at me.

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