Shisui-san... Why...

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'Cling! Clang! SHING!'

Shisui and Itachi were fighting so seriously. They both have their Sharingan on and they looked like they wanted to kill each other. Itachi's kunai is clashing with Shisui's dagger and made a loud screeching sound. Both of them have that serious look on their face too.

(y/n) just relaxing near them. She just looked at her friends with a soft smile. They are sparring and for today, (y/n) just being an audience. Shisui and Itachi forbid her to join them because she just got discharged from the hospital three days ago. So, (y/n) just watched them from afar.

Shisui won the sparring just like the other times. After finishing their spar, Shisui and Itachi ran towards (y/n) and sat beside her.

She handed them two bottles filled with water. They thanked her and quickly drank the water.

"So, how are you feeling today, (y/n)?" Shisui as always, he will be the one to start a conversation.

"Fine, I guess. The wound was fully healed, but Oka-sama still made some check up on me", she replied and she turned her head to watch the clouds. It's already evening.

"That's good, (y/n). You must focus on your healing first. Your health is the most important thing", Itachi said. Itachi was so concerned about his best friend.

"Hhmm, but I'm fine now..." She murmured and hugged her knees.

"Hahah, that's good then. We can train together again!" Shisui patted her back.

"(y/n)..." Itachi called her name softly.

It caught (y/n)'s attention and she quickly tilted her head and looked at him. Itachi's face was covered with guilt.

"Please, (y/n). I'm begging you. Stop acting so reckless like that. It's not the first time, (y/n). And everytime you did that, I-I almost lose you", he said as he turned to face her.

"I-I'm so sorry, Itachi-kun. I'm sorry that I've made you worried about me", she answered and traced her fingers at the grass. She felt so bad for making her friend feel like that.

"Just promise me, don't act like that ever again. Promise me, (y/n)!"

(y/n) stared at the grass, without looking at her friend, she said, "No. I can't make a promise with you about that".

"Why?!" He started to raised his voice.

"I will never let my comrades or my friends get hurt. I'm willing to die for them".


"You're very important to me, Itachi-kun! I can't live with the fact that I lived because of someone's death!" She cried at the top of her lungs.

She quickly get up and walked away. "I have to get some mission get up for tomorrow. Bye", she said and disappeared in a form of white smoke.

"Itachi, you should have said thanks or something like that. You know why she did that, she doesn't have any bad intentions, Itachi. (y/n) is kind girl. You should be more careful when it comes with a girl. They're quite sensitive, you know?" Shisui advised him.

"Hhmm, I-I just, I don't want to lose her. She's so precious to me. I don't want her to suffer because of me..."

"Is this, have something to do with the clan?" Shisui came into realisation. He knew that Itachi was in a difficult moment for now.

Itachi nodded and hummed as a 'yes'. Shisui looked up and let out a long sigh. Both of them knew that the Uchiha clan is planning on a coup d'etat on Konoha. They want to stop it or else, it will lead into another Great Shinobi War and that will be a big trouble.

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