Departure and Reunion

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"This is so sudden, Captain Shikaku..." (y/n) whined hopelessly.

"I'm a commander now, remember? You're the one who brought these things up." Shikaku ignored her plead and went back to his work.

"It's not fair! I only stabbed you once but you returned it twice. That's more than what I'm supposed to get..." She whined again.

"That's not true. You made me into a Chief Strategist and Proxy Commander. I just return the favor... That's all, Captain (y/n)." He continues with his activity.

"It's no use..." She dragged her feet back to her room and jumped on the bed that made a loud creaking sound from the bed. "Huh..." She sighed while staring at the white ceiling.

She just got selected to lead another new formed Supporting Divisions which is the Investigation and Interrogation Division. It was so sudden but she can't argue with that suggestion because it was an order from Supreme Commander himself. It can't be helped then. That division is responsible to get some important information and just like how it sounds like, they will interrogate with the captured enemies to dig some information from them. This is a small division just like the Surprise Attack Division. It consists of about 18 person only. They will be divided in three-man cell and each cell will slip into each regiments and the Surprise Attack Division. In that cell, one from the Intel unit, one from the Defensive Unit and the other one act as an interrogator and the main attacker.

(y/n) almost fallen asleep but a sudden gentle knock on the door interrupt her. She dragged her feet to the door and open it.


"Hn." (y/n) reply and open the door widely to welcome her unexpected guest to come in. She sat at the side of her bed and look at her guest with her sleepy eyes.

"You look... A bit... Sleepy... And messy..."

"Hn." She replied and lie back down on her bed, ignoring the guest. She lie on her left side to make sure that her back is facing him.

"(y/n)... " He sat at the side of the bed and brush her hair playfully.

"Hn..." She hummed lazily.


(y/n) force herself to open her eyes and face him. "Hn... It's tomorrow huh... Are you nervous, Kakashi-kun?"

Kakashi's face turned deep red out of sudden. "It's kinda... Make me happy to hear you add -kun in my name... It sounds... Cute... Hehehe..." He chuckled happily.

"Kakashi-kun~" She call him in a sing song way and smiled at him. She got up and hugged Kakashi. "Don't forget about our promise, okay?"

Kakashi pull down his mask and wrapped his arms around her body. He planted a kiss on top of her head before resting his head on top of (y/n)'s head. "I will never forget about that, my love..." He took that nice fragrance smell from her hair and say, "Good luck, okay... And please, be safe..."

"I figured out the huge responsibility for being a captain too, Kakashi-kun... I don't have the right word to say it right now..." She closed her eyes slowly while her hands that was holding onto Kakashi's body also started to loose it's grip.

Kakashi look at her and smiled. "You worked so hard, my love..." He put her down on her bed and wrapped her in a blanket. "See you after the war, my future wife..." He remove a strand of her hair that was on her face and place it behind her ear. He enjoys to look at her sleeping figure so much. The way her chest moved up and down following her soft snores rhythm is so relaxing. She looks so innocent and cute in that form. He brushed her head a few times before giving her a soft kiss on her forehead. "Sleep tight..." He walked out of the room and shut the door slowly to make sure he will not startled her from her sleep. He leaned against the door and whispered, "I love you" to her before going back to his room.

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