Chunnin Exam

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The next day, (y/n) and her father was summoned by the Hokage. Both of them went to the Hokage office with a lot of questions in their mind, especially (y/n). She hundred percent sure that she never caused any more troubles in the village. Or did she?

When they arrived at the Hokage's mansion they bumped into Itachi with his father.

"It's been a long time, Fugaku", (y/n)'s father greeted Itachi's father.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since our mission together too, Yuji".

"Why are you here, this early with your son?"

"We're called by Hokage-sama, but I still don't have any idea about what he'll say to me or Itachi".

"I see. (y/n) and I were summoned here too".

Both of the parent quickly turned and glared at their son and daughter making the two of them shiver in fear.

"Well, I don't think that these kids will do any problem, let's just proceed".

Both of them knocked the Hokage's office door and wait for any words from the Hokage.

"Come in!"


"And that's what had happened last night, isn't it true, Itachi, (y/n)?"

Both of them nodded at the same time while having their eyes straight at the Hokage's.

Lord Hokage told their fathers about what happened last night. They didn't tell anything about that since they stepped in the house.

"It was an impressive talent that both of you had. I think I want the both of you to join the Chunnin exam next week. I think it shouldn't be a problem since your skills are beyond what we were always imagined. To unlocked your dōujutsu at a young age, I think I don't have to worry about anything if you guys take the Chunnin exam at the age of 9, am I right?"

Both of them still have their full attention to the Lord Hokage's words. But they started to have a line of smile on their face.

"Well then, since the both of you don't have a jounin instructor, I guess I will let your fathers to either give you the permission to join or not. However, the exam must be done in a group of 3. But, I think that Itachi and (y/n) are exceptional. Then, both of you will be in a team of 2, less than other groups. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama." They answered at the same time.

The Hokage handed a pass card to Fugaku and Yuji each. They bowed and left the room. They had a long chat as they haven't seen each other for a long time.

Itachi pulled (y/n)'s hand gently and said to her, "How about we train together until the chunnin exam day?"

"Um, that's fine with me. But I need to train with Nii-san as well".

"That's okay (y/n). You go and train with Itachi, Mitsuki will train with me until then", her father joined their conversation while brushing (y/n)'s hair.

"Thank you, Oto-sama!"


Itachi and (y/n) kept training together everyday. Sometimes, Shisui and Mitsuki joined them as well. They trained until the huge day finally came.

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