Don't give up on us

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Third person POV

Maddie waited, she sat down on one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs. Looking down at her hands. Tears welled up and fell from her eyes and dripped onto her hands. She sniffled. She then felt a hand on her shoulder. She sniffled and looked up. She saw Athena. She had a sad look in her eyes, she even had tears in her eyes. "Who's her mother? We can contact her to come here, to take care of Nila", she said softly. Maddie laughed bitterly. Which surprised everyone. Not once had Maddie been this bitter.

"You really think Nila has a mother? Have you ever heard of the male pregnancy?", she asked Athena. Athena looked confused for a second but nodded. "I've only heard of it a few times, only a few men have that", she said. Maddie laughed bitterly again. "I guess buck was really lucky, you have no idea how scared he was when he figured out he had that gene, he wasn't ready to be a father. And yet he took care of her, raised her on his own, because of the asshole that didn't want to be in their lives. The only reason why he even did the lawsuit, was not only to bring his family back, but was to get food on the table for her. Me and buck didn't have much when we were younger, and yet if he could, he would give her the moon and the stars. He loves that little girl more then anything, the only reason why he works now is because of her, he wants to be her hero, and he is. Everyday he has to spend being belittled by the likes of you", she said as she angrily wiped her eyes.

They were all shocked. Buck was one of the rare men who could get pregnant. And he had a daughter. Why didn't he say anything about her?

"Why didn't he say anything?", Eddie asked.

Maddie laughed once more in bitterness. "You really think he would do that? After what you guys did what you did? Eddie, you were going to punch him in the grocery store, and he had actually brought her to the grocery store that day, but she was too scared to actually meet any of you, especially the ones that yell at him for something you would do for your own kids, he is a single dad, he doesn't have anyone, thank god for Carla, or they would be in the dumps", she said as she clenched her fists. She glared at them.

She was about to grill into them more. But then the doctor came over to them. "For Nila Buckley?", he asked. Maddie raced over to his side. "Please, tell me she's okay. Please", she pleaded the doctor. The doctor sighed. Which was not good news. "She has a broken arm that was broken in two places, she had a concussion, a very heavy one. Which I'm sorry to say put her in a light coma, but with treatment and waiting, I'm pretty sure she'll wake up", the doctor said. Maddie gasped and put her hand to her lips. She sobbed softly. Tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't believe this. "And my brother? What about my brother?", she asked.

He sighed and looked at the floor. Not wanting to meet her eyes. "Mr. Buckley had two crushed legs, very deep cuts on his face, and then there's the gash that was on his throat, he also hit his head, possibly when he hit it on the steering wheel. He flat lined three times before we could get him stabled again. We had to put him in a coma, for his body to heal itself. We do not know if he'll wake up from this, only time with tell, I'm very sorry miss. Buckley", he said in sympathy.

Maddie just stood there in shock for a second. Before she almost fell to her knees. If it weren't for chimney. He held her in his arms as she cried harshly. She gripped his shirt. "He has to wake up, he has to wake up. He can't leave me, he can't leave Nila. He can't, he has to wake up", she said as she cried. Chimney rubbed her back soothingly. "He will, he will mads, he's buck. He always comes back from these types of things", he said trying to reassure her, or was it himself he was trying to reassure?

"Can we see him?", Bobby asked standing up. The doctor gave them a small smile. "Of course, his room is 353, he and his daughter share a room, just in case she wakes up", he said. The team got up, chimney helping Maddie walk to bucks room. Once she entered the room, she gasped and put a hand to her mouth. He looked so small. There were so many wires. He looked so pale. Pale as a ghost. She hesitated to walk over. But she did. She immediately held his hand. His hand was cold though. Making a shiver go down her back. Not a good feeling either. It was a horrible feeling.

"Buck, listen to me, and listen good, get this through your thick ass head. You are going to wake up, even if you don't want to, you have a little girl who loves and adores you. So you better wake up, you've gotten through worse then this. So you are waking up. You better wake up, or so help me god I will kick your ass", she said sternly. But that didn't stop the tears from falling. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I need you, nila needs you, she needs her father. Come on Buck. Don't make her lose another parent, not today. Please", she pleaded.

But after a few minutes. She got nothing. She sighed and ran a hand down her face. She looked over to the smaller bed. She saw her niece. She looked so small. It hurt her to see her niece like this. She sniffled and kissed the top of her forehead. She ran a hand through her hair. "You got to wake up sweetie, you still have so much you haven't done, you still have your dad, you still have me. Don't give up on us nila, your not alone. I know it's scary. But just know I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise", she whispered. She sniffled. Her eyes hurt from crying so much. And yet it didn't seem enough.

They couldn't give up on her. They couldn't. If she lost both of them. Well, she would go crazy without them. She couldn't lose them. They couldn't give up on her. She won't let them. She won't. She'll pray, she'll beg, she'll do anything just to have them back. She can't lose them. She can't. Their her family. She can't lose her family.

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