I know

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Bucks POV
I walked past Eddie with the halloween decorations, who was still not talking to me. I get it, I blabbed shit that I shouldn't and I feel bad. But still were supposed to be best friends. He's supposed to have my back, but I get it. I didn't have his. Lena did. She's his new best friend. All I am to him is exhausting. It hurt more to think about it everyday. It hurt more to not talk to my best friend, to the man I been catching feelings for, I was so scared before, to ruin our friendship. But I did that without even telling him. I screwed up everything, and it might be the same. And that's on me. Not them. Not on him. Just me.

I'm exhausting.

To everyone.

I flinched when I remembered every word come out of his mouth. I'm nothing but exhausting. To everyone I love. Cap. Hen. Chimney. Maddie. Eddie. And Christopher. Just knowing that he felt that I deserted him, makes my heart hurt more then anything. I loved that little boy like he was my son. And I blew it. I lost both of them. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I sniffled. I wiped my eyes to try and make them stop. But how can I? When I just want to curl up in the corner and cry. I kept trying to wipe them away. But they kept on coming. They wouldn't stop. I sniffled again. It hurt so badly.

I could hear eddies footsteps stop. I sighed. "I know, I know I'm nothing but exhausting to you now, I know what I did was wrong, and I regret it  more then anything, you have no idea how much it hurt to see your face when you sat at the opposite side of me in that office, I didn't know he would use any of what I told him, I'm sorry okay, but I know you don't want my pity excuse of a apology, I know, I know I messed up our friendship, I know I messed up with everyone, but I just wanted to be back here, with you, with my family, you have no idea, you guys are the only family I have, but going home alone to that empty apartment, you have no idea how lonely it is, how loud the silence is. You have an amazing son, family that love you, what do I have? A sister that hardly comes over, a team that hates me, and I don't blame you, I blame myself for what I did, I just felt that you were leaving me behind, I hardly ever saw you, and then I saw her name taped over mine, you were replacing me, but that's okay, it's happened before and it'll happen again, she can be your new best friend, cause I know I fucked up whatever we had, I know all I am now to everyone, is exhausting, like you said, I'm selfish and only think about myself, I thought I changed, but I'm not, I'm the same person I was when I joined, I only care about myself, but you need to know that I never wanted to hurt you or Christopher like that, but if you want me to leave you alone, then I will, I'll even transfer If you want me to, Lena can have my spot again, if that makes you happy. All I want for you is to be happy and If that can't be with me, then that's fine, I always chase away the people I love away, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Eddie", I said while tears were streaming down my cheeks. My voice croaked every time I talked. It hurt so badly. I just wanted to collapse and just cry like a baby.

I sighed, I didn't look at him. If I had I think I would have collapsed and cried right in front of him. I turned away from him. I grabbed the box of decorations and started to make my way to the supply closet. My heart hurting and my chest tightening. I held in a sob. Trying not to be weak. I knew I was weak. I knew I was exhausting. I'm selfish, I'm weak, I only think of myself. I opened the supply closet and put the box on the floor. I closed the closet and turned around. I made my way to upstairs. Only to have my collar pulled. I stumbled back in surprise. I saw it was Eddie. Is he? Is he going to hit me? I really hope not.

He basically threw me on the table that we used to place the decorations on. I steadied myself to make sure I didn't fall over. I looked up at him, he looked angry. I gulped. "It was a pretty fucked up thing to do, I was so angry at you, and yes you are really exhausting", he said as he balled up his fists. I looked down at my feet. "You hurt me and Christopher when you did that, you stopped talking to us and we couldn't talk to you, and having our stuff blabbed out, that was pretty fucked up, that really hurt buck", he said. I sighed and got up. I didn't want to hear any more. I would just cry like a Big Baby in front of him.

"I didn't say you could walk away, this is what you do, you walk away", he said. Now it was my turn to turn around and be angry. "What I do? Oh yeah sure, the only reason why I did it was because I wanted my family back, you and Christopher back, I didn't want no stupid money, I wanted the man I saw as a father, the guy that was like a brother to me, the woman I see as a sister back, I wanted to be back in the only family I knew, I wanted to come back to the man I fell in love with, the little boy that I consider my own son, I didn't want any of that money, I just wanted to come home, if I didn't see you guys as family, I would have taken that money and left, but I didn't, because I wanted my family back, I was scared alone, you guys weren't there, nightmares after nightmares at night and I couldn't sleep, I screamed your name, I screamed Bobby's and I screamed Christopher's, but none of you were there when I needed you, you have people that love you, people you go home to, what did I have? A empty apartment and a hurt leg, it hurt to know I couldn't be by my family's side, by your side, to know someone else had your side, maybe she can do a better job then me, cause you know what. I'm done being hurt by the people I love, everyone leaves and now it's my turn to walk away!", I screamed. More tears streamed down my cheeks as I screamed. I knew it was going to hurt later. I looked up and saw everyone looking down at us. I huffed and turned around. Making my way to my Jeep. But again I was turned around, I didn't have time to say anything. Because a pair of lips interrupted me. I was shocked for a second. I then closed
My eyes and kissed back. It was like a dream. His lips were soft and warm. His arms wrapped themselves around me. I could feel more tears rolling down my cheeks. It felt like hours. But it was only minutes before he pulled back. He cupped my cheeks. He wiped away the tears with his thumbs. I looked up at him to see a few tears rolling down his own cheeks. "You didn't let me finish, you may be exhausting. But I would never leave you behind. I would never replace you. Lena May be a good friend but she's not you. I have your back and you have mine. I'm sorry I hurt you. I should have known you were hurting, I should have been there for you like you were there for me, I should have told you how I felt, maybe if I had none of this would have happened, I'm so sorry buck, I would never replace you or leave you behind. Because I love you", he said. I could feel a sob make its way out of my mouth. He cupped me from behind the head and hugged me close. I sobbed into his chest. He held me and rubbed up and down my back. He whispered sweet nothings in Spanish into my ear. I gripped his shirt. "Shhh, it's okay mi amore. It's okay", he whispered. "I love you", I whispered to him. I could feel a chuckle come from his chest. "I love you too mi amore", he said as he rubbed his fingers through my hair.

It felt so good to be held. It felt so good to told I love you. He loved me. He loved me back.

"Finally, I knew it. Chimney you owe me 20 bucks". Hen said.

I chuckled into eddies shirt. Just as he chuckled as we heard chimney whine about being 20 bucks shorter.

I was finally in the arms of the man I loved.

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