Protective sister

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Hannahs POV (you'll see later)

You can see I'm beyond pissed. I am one furious bitch. I can't believe they did that to him. Oh hell nah! He told me not to do anything and I told him I wouldn't. But I didn't promise shit. So I went to his work place. I walked up the stairs. I saw them all eating like some of shit family. Just without him. I saw red when I saw that. "How dare you?", I hissed at them. They all looked at me. One of them got up, I think he's the captain. "Can we help you?", he asked me. I glared at him. "Yeah you can, by telling me what kind of fucking firehouse your running here", I snapped at him. The one in the cop uniform got up. Ready to say something. "No none of you get to say anything, you've said plenty, while he didn't get to say a fucking word. Did it ever Occur to you how skinny he's gotten or how quiet he is, he's never that quiet and I should know. You fucking broke him, and it's not right. Not right at all. You yell at him, you belittle him. All of the fucking above. Do you know angry that makes me? It pisses me off. All he does is talk nice about you and I can see the way you talk shit about him, it's not fucking fair!", I sneered at them.

"Is she talking about buck?", the other woman at the table asked. I glared at her. "You don't get to say his name", I snapped at her. "I know he did something shitty, but you know what? He did it for you, he turned down so much fucking money for you guys and look how you treat him, like a fucking dog. That is not how it should be. That's not how is it should be at all. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You don't deserve him", I snapped at them. I clenched my fists. I was ready to hit someone.

"Hannah?", I heard my brother say my name from downstairs. He walked upstairs. I smiled at him. "Bucky", I said happily. He wrapped his arms around me. "What are you doing here Hannah?", he asked me. But before I could say anything, the stupid captain of his did. "Is this your girlfriend Buckley?", he asked sternly. EW! I turned around and went to attack. But buck wrapped his arms around me to stop me. "No Cap, this is my younger sister, Hannah Buckley", he said. I huffed. I could hear mumbles. "He has another sister?", all around the table. I turned back to buck.

I gave him a smile. "I was coming to tell you some good news", I said. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Really?", he asked me. I played with my fingers. "Well that was before I decided to lay it into them, but yes I was, you know how dad is a firefighter right?", I said. "Yeah", he said. "Well the captain gave him a good job in Texas. You know the 126 and how it blew up right, well they let him rebuilt it, and now he's a captain. He's looking for a crew, he's already got our brother Tk starting, and he wanted to know wanted to be a part of that crew, I'm already on board and leaving next week. Please say yes! Please! You know how dad is, he'll treat us right and TK really misses us, please, we can be a family again. Do you really want to break our family up again? Please Bucky?", I said giving him the puppy dog eyes.

He looked at his old crew and then back at me. "How'd he get TK to go?", he asked me. I shrugged. "I guess things didn't go well with his boyfriend, but come on, don't make me beg. You know I hate begging. And dads not getting any younger bro. Dad really wants to see you", I said pouting. He tried looking away from my puppy dog eyes. But it always works on him. "Aww damn, fine. You and your damn puppy dog eyes nana, fine, I'll see what I can do, it'll be good to get away and see dad", he said. I squealed happily. "Yay!", I said happily. I hugged him tightly. I let go and dragged him down the stairs by his arm. "Come on! Come on! We've got packing to do, I never liked your house anyways, dads is way better, you'll love it when you see it, and it's affordable, much less then the expensive ugly houses here", I said. I dragged him down the stairs.

"You can't just take him, he still has a shift", the so called captain said.

I turned and glared at him. "Just watch me, your a sad excuse of a captain, my father would never had done that to anyone. Even to people that weren't his son. Oh yeah be prepared to get a word from your captain, my dad is good friends with your captain, so get ready to have a good talk with your captain about treating your employees right. Ta ta! Come on Bucky, I made your favorite at the house, and then we can start packing, oh TKs going to be so happy to see us, Eeeeeee!", I said. I jumped onto his back. He gave me a piggy back ride back to my car. I dropped him off this morning. Once we got in, he turned to look at me. "Is it true what you said about dad?", he asked me. I smiled happily. "Yep and I've met all the crew already, they're lovely people, and they have Texas accents, you know I love me some accents", I said. He gave me sad smile. Aww. I brought him close in for a hug. "It's okay big bro, you don't need them, you have us, you have your family", I said running my hands through his hair. He sighed and hugged me close.

We pulled back. I smiled at him sadly. "You ready to go eat and then go pack?", I asked him. He chuckled. "You know I am nana", he said. I smirked and stepped on the gas.

Let's do this.

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