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Third person POV

Maddie raced over to her brothers house. She didn't care if she broke any laws, she didn't care if a cop tried pulling her over. It wouldn't stop her, her brother needed her, her baby brother needed her, and she was going to be there for him, no matter what. She ignored the feeling of tears in her eyes, she wouldn't cry now, not when Evan needed her. And she was going to be there, just like he was there for her. It was her turn to be there for him, like all the times that he was there for her. She didn't care who was behind her. As long as she got to her brother.

She needed to know if he was okay. Like all the times he checked If she was alright, and she was the big sister. He acted like the older sibling, even though she was the older sibling. So she's going to be by his side for who knows how long. She doesn't care how long. He was her brother. And she was going to be by his side, no matter how long it takes, he needed her and she was going to stick by his side the entire time.

She jumped out of her car and ran up the steps instead of taking the elevator, she could feel the sweat on her brow as she ran up the stairs, but she didn't care, she needed to get there, she needed to get to Evan! By the time she got to his floor she was out of breath and dripping with sweat. She took a few deep breaths in and slowly let it out, but she didn't stop, she didn't have time to stop. She needed to get inside. She ran over to the door, she pounded on the door as hard as she could. "Buck! Buck! Buck! Open the door! Evan! Please!", she begged. She pounded her hand against the door as hard as she could. She had a bad feeling in her gut, and she didn't like where this was going. Something was wrong. Very wrong!

She didn't have a key cause he hasn't made one for her yet. He was going to but never got around to do it. She tried to jiggle the door handle. But it was locked tight. A few tears rolled down her cheeks, the bad feeling only grew stronger, and she didn't like the feeling that was growing in her gut. "Evan! Evan! Please!", she yelled as loud as she could. She was hoping. Pleading. Praying that he could hear her. She already knew he was here, she saw his Jeep outside. So he had to be here.

"Stand back, I have the key", Chimney said. He too sounded out of breath, he must have taken the same route up the stairs instead of the elevator. She turned around and backed away so he could open the door. But what confused her, was why did he have a key and she didn't? "How do you have a key?", she asked sniffling and wiping her tears. "Well he didn't really give it to me, Eddie did, it was after the whole you know and Eddie gave me the key to give to Buck, but I never got a chance to give it back to him, good thing too", he said. He was glad that he never gave it back to him, who knows how long they would have been out here, they didn't know what was going on inside, and that worried him, seeing as he knew Buck was inside, he too saw the Jeep outside. But what worried him was the fact that he couldn't hear anything on the inside.

He jammed the key inside, unlocking the door as fast as he could. Not wasting a single second. Because they didn't have a second to waste. They both hurried into the house. That was when Hen came rushing in. "Buck! Buck!", she yelled his name. They weren't getting a response. That worried them and made goosebumps go up and down their arms and backs. That wasn't a good sign. "Buck!", they all yelled at the same time. They then heard a sound. It was from above, the bedroom. They all rose their heads towards the staircase. They didn't hesitate to run up the stairs.

They all stopped in their tracks once they saw him. Their eyes wide and their mouths wide open. Maddie gasped in horror, her hands shaking, her lips trembling, seconds away from sobbing. Hen stood there in horror filled shock. She froze. Even as a paramedic, she couldn't move, it was easy when it was other people she didn't know. With other people she would be able to move in a second, but this? This made her freeze. She couldn't move a muscle. She could feel the tears streaming down her cheeks, she felt cold all over. She didn't know what to do. All those years of training, couldn't prepare her for this.

Buddie short stories and one-shots Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu