Grocery store

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Bucks POV

I stood in front of my team, with awe and shock written all over my face.

I'm exhausting?

Suck it up, me? Really?

Who the hell do they think they are?

Who the hell does he think he is?

I let out a bitter laugh.

I pointed to myself. "I'm exhausting? I've tried so hard to help the lot of you, for so long. I helped you when you got through your drinking problem, and I was there when you were in hospital with the rebar in your head, and Eddie, I didn't ask to help to help that precious boy of yours, and yet I did, because I love him. I put my needs to the side so I can help you guys and you guys think I'm exhausting. Ha! I have a little girl at home, who depends on her father, that's the real reason why I had to come back to work, if not for my daughter I would have been cool at home. But I can't do that, I need to put food on her plate, pay bills and keep my daughter with me so I don't get her taken away", I spat at them.

They all stared at me for a few seconds. Before Bobby just shook his head. "That's a sad excuse and lie. You don't have a daughter buck, we all know that. Your just trying to get us to feel guilty for you", he said shaking his head in disappointment. I grew angry, even more when I saw everyone else just shake their heads. How dare they? They would think I lied about my daughter really? Really!

Well then, they don't know me then. After three fucking years! Was that nothing? Baring my heart and soul to these people. And it was nothing? That's fucking bullshit! I went to get closer to get my point taken. But Eddie just ended up pushing me back. I stumbled back and I bristled with anger. What the fuck?! I shook my head and clenched my fists harder. "Then you don't know me at all! You think you know me! But you don't, none of you do! Three years I've bared my heart and soul to you, to only have it broken. Ha! Typical! Why the fuck would I lie about something like this? Huh? There is a reason why I never told you guys about her, and for this very reason. I didn't need her to get her heart broken too, that's what I'm protecting her from, your all mad over something I did, but I know for a fact you would all do it too if it meant putting food on the damn table! But I'm different?! I don't matter, my daughter doesn't matter, why? Because I'm me, I'm the one that sleeps around, I don't matter aye? You were my family, the only family had since Maddie, but you don't give a shit, since you guys have families to go to. Well, I'm the single parent that has to go home and take care of my kid. So excuse me for putting my daughter first!", I yelled in their faces. I could feel my face growing red with anger. My heart pounding against my chest.

"None of you know me, and I thought you did at one point. But none of you do, you never did, this isn't a family. It isn't even a team, because a team would at least give a shit about their team member", I scuffed at them. They all stood in shock, staring at me like I had three heads. I scuffed again. Figures.

"Dada!", I heard the sound of my little girls voice. I turned around and saw her stumbling over to me. A shock smile lit up on my face. I bent down and picked her up and set her on my hip. "Hey monkey. I thought you were with aunty Maddie?", I asked her. She just giggled. "She is, she wanted to come see you and you said you would be here around this time", I heard Maddie's voice. I sighed. I placed a soft kiss on my daughters brow, right below her birthmark. She giggled and patted my cheeks with her tiny hands. "I miss dada", she said with a tiny teethed smile. I smiled at my baby. "And I missed you pumpkin", I told her as I placed little kisses around her face. She giggled loudly. Her head then turned and I gulped once I saw who she was staring at.

"Who dat dada?", she asked pointing to the others. Who looked shocked. I sighed and shook my head. "Some people that I used to work with, monkey. Because you remember how I said that we would be moving soon? We're gonna go live with grandpa Owen and uncle TK. Dads going to be a firefighter over there where the real fires are", I said placing another kiss on her cheek. She squealed with happiness. "Papa! TK!", she said happily and loudly. "Dad is just saying goodbye to them before we go, how about you tell them your name baby", I told her. She giggled and nodded.

"Hi! I Nila Mawie, I twee years old!", she said happily. She held up four finger instead of three. Which made me chuckle. "That's right baby, good job", I said to her with a loving smile. She giggled. I looked back to see the others still shocked. I saw shock written all over Eddie's face. But for a whole different reason. My eyes widened and I gulped when I figured out that he figured it out. Three years ago. That night. Fuck. I gulped again and I turned back to Nila. "How about we go made a pie, so after you eat all your veggies you can have all the pie you want", I said tickling her tummy. She squealed with laughter. "Pie!", she said happily. I chuckled. I turned back to the others. I sighed. "So I guess this is goodbye, don't worry, I already spoke to the chief, he's good with my transfer. Don't have to worry about me needing to get my stuff, I already got them", I said nodding to them. I turned my back and walked away. Nila turned her head and waved at the others.

I sighed and just kept on walking.

Third person POV

The others turned to look at Maddie. "Why didn't you tell me buck had a daughter?", Chim asked his girlfriend. Maddie just huffed and shook his head. "Because of this exact reason, buck was fine with getting his heartbroken, but he would never have someone break that little girls heart. He didn't want you guys to break her heart if this were to happen. Just like my brother, my niece has the biggest heart in the world", she said shaking her head.

"Her mother?", Bobby asked.

But before Maddie could talk. Eddie did it for her. He was staring at the floor emotionless. "She doesn't have a mother, she has two fathers, I'm the other father", he said. Everyone gasped and looked at him. "Wait, how did you figure it out?", Maddie asked him. Eddie sighed. "Three years ago, we both go drunk and well things got out of hand, I didn't really remember a lot of that night. But as time went I started to remember, I should have known something like this would happen", Eddie said. Everyone just gaped at him.

Eddie was a father.


And he just ran both of them away. Because of his selfish reasons.

Buddie short stories and one-shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora