I'm done

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Bucks POV

I'm done. I'm done being the show dog. I'm done being they're fucking maid! I'm done! I know what I did was wrong, but that was months ago. I thought what I wanted was to come back. But that wasn't worth the pain of being pushed around and yelled at. I'm done. I'm done with them! I'm done! I marched up the stairs. I knew all of them were eating right now. And I knew Bobby was too. Once I made it up the stairs, everyone was looking at me. I kept the stern look on my face.

"Did you finish your chores Buckley?", Bobby asked me crossing his arms over his chest. I glared at him. "You know what Bobby, fuck you!", I yelled at him. I pointed at him. He looked shocked, everyone looked shocked. "Oh shit", both chimney and hen said at the same time but I didn't pay attention to them. I didn't let anyone talk. It was my time to talk. It was my time to show how I felt. "I'm done being your fucking maid! I'm done being pushed around by everyone in this fucking firehouse, I'm done being left behind, I know what I did was wrong, but that does not give you the fucking right to do this to me, to push me around until I break, to have all of your firemen pushing me around like some show dog, I only did that lawsuit was to come back, to come back to my family, to the only people that were my family, but at the minute I don't recognize them, if I known this was going to happen, I would have taken that money and left for good. But I thought if I tried so hard and apologized I would get my family back, and you (pointing to Eddie) I know what I did was wrong, but you were my best friend, you promised to have my back as I did yours, but what happened to your part of the deal, I did a stupid thing. Everyone does! You should have been on my side, I only wanted to come back here, to my family. To my best friend, to the man I feel in love with, but I don't see him at the moment, I haven't seen him for months, to the little boy that I see as my own son, I wanted to drop the lawsuit, but he would have dug deeper, he would have found things out about you and sue you all, that's why I did it in the first place, I did it so you guys wouldn't get sued, but I should have let you all get your asses sued, because apparently I'm not part of your fucking family, I don't even think this is a family, and you (pointing to chimney) I couldn't even go to my own sister because I knew she was happy with you, I couldn't ruin that for her, she finally found someone that loved her, and I couldn't ruin that for her, you were like my brother chim, and then this. I just can't. You let things happen and didn't stick up for me. I've had urinal cakes thrown at my back and big ass bruises on my back, but no one gives a shit about the nobody huh? And you (pointing to hen) you were my sister hen, my sister. The one I thought I could go to, my video game buddy, but then you took Bobby's side and deserted me, you left me, you all left me, I didn't have a fucking choice! I did it for you! All I do is for you! That asshole is in jail now, because of what I did, but no one would know because no one would even give me the time of day! So fuck all of you!

And you (pointing to Bobby) your the one that hurt me the most, I saw you as a father, because mine would kick my ass all the time, every chance he had, he would be beat me till I was black and blue, but you wouldn't know huh, you wouldn't care, like I said you guys were the only family I had because mine didn't give a rats ass If I made it home or not, and now I feel like I'm back with them, I did all of this for you, I loved you all, but you didn't give a rats ass about me, you left me behind! And it hurt! Before all of this, all those times I got hurt, you weren't there, not really, I was home alone in pain, nightmares, the silence was too much, I couldn't do it anymore, you have no idea how that feels! To always be alone! None of you would! You always have someone to go home too! I don't! You should have seen it by my perspective! But none of you did! So fuck all of you! I'm done! I quit! Or at least transferring to somewhere where they would appreciate me!", I yelled at them while tears rolled down my cheeks.

I looked into Bobby's eyes. Seeing his eyes wide and glassy. I turned around and saw hen with tears rolling down her cheeks, her hand covering her mouth. Chimney shocked with his mouth wide open. And Eddie, Eddie just looked at me. I scuffed. I made my way out of the place I once considered home. Until I felt a hand on my arm. I looked down and saw Eddie gripping my arm. "Buck", he said softly. I scuffed again. I grabbed my arm back from him. "Don't Eddie, just don't, just take care of him for me", I said glaring at him. I basically ran out of the firehouse to my Jeep. Once inside I gripped the steering wheel. I sobbed and screamed and yelled. I gripped it harder until my knuckles turned white. I hit the steering wheel hard. It hurt so badly. Why did it have to hurt so badly?

I sniffled and pulled out of the firehouse parking lot. It was dark time, my shift was almost over anyways. I tried to wipe my eyes of tears, but they just kept on coming. My eye sight was blurry. But I didn't care and I kept on driving. I needed to think, on what I was going to do. I honestly didn't know what to do. What am I supposed to do? I can't go back. I just can't.

I looked around for a napkin. To wipe my eyes so I can see. But I didn't hear the honking, but I did feel the impact. It was all slow motion and I could feel glass cut my cheeks. And I knew they would bleed more with my blood thinners. The car flipped over and over. My head hit the steering wheel. I groaned in pain. Why didn't I wear my seat belt? I had my eyes closed and the next time I opened them. I was looking at the top of my car. I looked down and saw the wind shield. It was cracking. And guess what. My car is leaning over a bridge. Lovely. I tried to move. But it hurt to move. I looked down at my body and saw a growing redness in the middle of my work shirt. I groaned and moved my hand so I can see what it was. I lifted up my shirt and I saw a big ass glass shard sticking out of my stomach. I groaned again and leaned my head down. Great. Just great. Wounds and blood thinners don't go so well. And I was over a fucking Bridge. Great. Hopefully I live through this one.

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