People change

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Bucks POV

I sighed as I waited for my plane to be ready. I then looked down at my little daughter. She had a smile on her face the whole time. The only thing that keeps me smiling these days. Is her. Nila looked up at me and smiled. "I'm so excited daddy!", she yelled happily. I chuckled. "Me too sweety, me too", I said kissing the top of her head. But then I could hear the sound of a man yelling. Or being really loud. Either one. "I'll be right back sweety", I told her. She nodded and smiled. I walked over to the helping desk. "What do you mean the plane is booked, it can't be full, I have to be there, I have a meeting, if I'm not there I'll be fired", he said. He seemed really nervous and really wanted to be on that plane. I cleared my throat. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you going?", I asked him. He looked away from the lady and looked at me.

"Texas", he said. That was the same place I was going. We were going to go see my dad Owen and brother TK. But I guess he needed it more then I did. "How about I switch with you, you need it more then me", I said. He looked at me and then back at the lady. "Can he do that?", he asked her. The lady shrugged. "People have done it before, but you do know that the next flight to Texas is in four hours, son?", she asked me. I sighed and nodded. "I can think of something to keep her mind busy", I said shrugging. The man smiled at me. He actually hugged me. "Thank you! Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you!", he yelled in happiness. I blushed red. It's been a good minute since I've made contact with a man. Especially in the bedroom. He then pulled back and smiled. "Your welcome", I said giving him a half of a smile. Still shy. I wasn't like I once was.

He smiled again before grabbing his things and making his way towards the terminal. I turned back to the lady. I smiled at her. Then realization went over her face. "Aren't you that firefighter that got stuck under that fire truck?", she asked me. I gulped. I sighed and nodded. "That would be me", I said giving her a fake smile. "You probably don't remember me, but you once saved me from a car accident a few years back, I was this close to having death knocking on my door and then there you were, saving me. I never got to say thank you, thank you so much, because of you, I went home to my husband and son, thank you so much", she said. I noticed the tears in her eyes. I patted her hand. "It's what I do ma'am, I couldn't leave you. No matter if it blew or not. It's what I do", I said. She smiled a tear filled smile. I gave her a nod before making my way over to my five year old daughter. How the hell am I going to distract her for four hours? I have no freaking idea.

Four hours later

Finally! I think my phone died with how much Nila was playing on it. At least they have phone chargers on the plane. I smiled when I saw Nila skipping her way in the terminal. She's so cute. She looks just like her papa. If he only knew. But at the moment. He hates my guts. Oh yeah, you guys don't know. Well. This is awkward. Yeah if your wondering, Eddie is her father, he just doesn't know it. Because he was the drunk one. And I left the very next morning. And this was before he came to work with us. So yes, I pretended to hate him, so he wouldn't know that it was me he slept with. What a bad idea that was.

I sighed and made my way onto the plane. At least we'll have fun in Texas. For two weeks that is. Then we have to go home and face reality.  I sighed and sat down in my seat after putting my bags above me. I looked at nila and saw that she was asleep. I smiled. All that excited must have worn her out. I draped a small blanket over her. I kissed her forehead. My baby girl. Your so beautiful. I love you.

I sighed once more before leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

Two hours and fifty six minutes later

I was woken up by the sound of the captains voice over the overhead. I snorted awake. I looked at Nila. "Nila, baby, it's time to wake up. We're here", I gently shook her. She mumbled and started to paw at my hands. I chuckled. She is so Eddie's daughter. Wether I like it or not. "Don't you want to go see grandpa and uncle TK?", I asked her. And suddenly her eyes opened. A smile grew on her face. "Grandpa! Uncle TK!", she yelped loudly and happily. I smiled down at her. "Then let's go silly girl, they'll be waiting for us by now", I cooed at her. She was already out of her seat and now bouncing up and down in excitement.

Buddie short stories and one-shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें