We Need A Miracle

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Buck's POV

Things have changed. And not for the best. I should have known that things wouldn't be the best after what I did, I know that. But I just wanted my job back, I can't just sit behind a desk and do a desk job, I just can't! And I can't just sit at home waiting for people to call me and say if I can go back to work or not. And to find out it was Bobby that was behind it all, something in me just snapped. I couldn't just let that happen, I just couldn't. I fought for what I wanted and believed in. And they should have supported me. But they didn't, they followed after Bobby. And I thought I meant more to them then I thought, but then I thought wrong. I was so wrong.

I may have my job back, but I lost my family in the end. The gain of my job back, cost me my friends and family. Even Maddie. And I should have known the risks of what I did. But I did it anyways. I should have known that I would lose everything.

'Maybe you don't like talking too much about yourself
But you shoulda told me that you were thinking 'bout someone else
You're drunk at a party or maybe it's just that your car broke down
Your phone's been off for a couple of months, so you're calling me now'


I felt like a fucking maid, I clean and cook when Bobby doesn't want to. But then there's the glares and the whispers. The degrading commands and comments. But what hurt most, was Eddie and the others. They were supposed to be my family and yet, I have no family left. I'm alone.

I don't have my parents, either of them. And I don't even have my sister. I am completely alone. I can't even see Christopher, and I haven't seen him in so long, I'm afraid that he hates me now. That he thinks I abandoned him. But I miss him so fucking much. Eddie told me to never speak to him or Chris ever again. So I lost the man I saw as my best friend, the love of my life and the little boy that was like my own. But this was my fault, I should have known to not become attached. But I did. And now I've lost everything.

'I know you, you're like this
When shit don't go your way, you needed me to fix it
And like me, I did
But I ran out of every reason'

I could finally breathe after I gotten off and raced over to my Jeep. But not before Bobby grilled me a good one and Eddie glared at me the whole time I was upstairs. I swear, if looks could kill, I would be a pile of ash. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. Okay, let's go home. Well, it's not really home, it's a cold and empty apartment that I sleep in. Can't really call it home. It isn't warm or homey. So it wasn't home, it was just a place to stay. I used to have a home, but I've lost it. But with what I've done, I've lost my home, my safe place. And now I'm alone. For who knows how long.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, I was so tired, so fucking tired. I want it to end. There was so much pain, I was in pain. I was alone and in pain. If your thinking I'm suicidal, well, I wasn't there yet. I'm in the middle. Where I wasn't trying to get myself killed, but I didn't care if something happened to me. If something happened, like I fell down a cliff, or got in a car crash, or was shot. I wouldn't care. Because no one else would.

'Now suddenly, you're asking for it back
And could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve?
Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had
But I don't really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first
You broke me first'

But was it a good idea to cry my emotions out while driving? No, but did I care? No. Did I mention what it was raining? Well, it was. You can see where that went. All I remember was something making a screeching noise. And then I felt something hit me in hard on my side of the car. It must have been something big, because whatever hit me, flipped my Jeep, not one, not twice, not even three times, but four times. And every time I felt the jeep flip, something hurt, something was bleeding, something was breaking. And all I could hear was screaming, for a second I didn't know who it was. But then I realized, the screaming was coming from me.

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