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Bucks POV

*sigh* Another day at work. I'm already dreading it. My friends hate me. The man I'm in love with hates me too. Everyone hates me. Okay maybe I'm being dramatic. But hey, my friends hate me for something stupid I did. I thought they were my family. But I already had a family. Once. I left them to become a firefighter. Pretty stupid, from something I once loved doing with my family, to this. How stupid can I get? I swear. I shook my head and walked into the firehouse. I put my head down so I wouldn't have to see the glares that I was getting. I once was able to walk with my head held high. I was never afraid to show my face to anyone. Even to people that didn't like me. But now, I'm just some loser that sued the fire department.

I punched in and got my uniform on. I raced upstairs, but there was no one in sight. I raised an eyebrow. Where the hell was everyone? I heard the tv on. I looked up, I watched for awhile, why does this look suspicious to me? It took me a few minutes to really see what was going on, but when I did, I groaned in annoyance. Really? Why here? Of all places?! They had to be here. And they're making it look like a random fire. Fucking HYDRA! I scuffed. I knew what I had to do. If not my team is good as dead. And I can't have that. I have to do what I used do. What I do best. I might be a little rusty. But I still got some still left in me.

That's right.

I used to be a Avenger.

I control water. And if you think 'Oh why didn't he stop the tsunami?' Well I'll tell you. Like I said, I'm a bit rusty. I was experimented on by HYDRA. When they found me. Just like my brother. I was left for dead during the war. And I thought I was good as dead. But I wasn't. Not when they found me. Well, I would have rather be dead then be found by them. But I sadly didn't die. I was exposed to the mind stone. And I got these powers from it. And when word got out that I was alive, my brother came for me. Him and his team. They kicked HYDRA's ass and helped me get through everything that HYDRA put me through. I mean it took awhile, just like it took Bucky. Yes, my brother is the famous winter solider. But to me he was always Bucky.

And my name is Evan Barnes. At your service. Major Evan Barnes at your service. And I know, I know. I shouldn't have stolen my brothers nickname to hide my tracks. But hey, it worked, didn't it?

I'm a lot older then you think I am. I was born June 27 of 1918. A year younger then my brother. But when HYDRA found me, they locked me away in a special freezer. To keep me from aging. So actually I'm 105. Just celebrated it too.

But back to what we were doing. I have to help, even though it might blow my cover and have my team know who I really am. I rolled my eyes and ran to my jeep. I rummaged around for what I was looking for. Until I found it. It was for emergency's. I would think this was a emergency, right? I grabbed my comm that I use to communicate with my brother. I pressed the side of it. "Bucky, it's me. We have a problem over here", I said into comm. It took a minute for him to respond. But he did. "Already on our way Ev, and when we get there, we will have a talk. Just so you know", he said through the comm. I groaned. I knew I shouldn't have waited till now to talk to him.

But hey! I have a life here. Or I used to. I rolled my eyes again.

I got in the drivers seat and floored it. I'm not going to have my team dead. Even if they are a bunch of assholes. I gripped the steering wheel hard. Just not too hard. I mean I am stronger then most.

I soon got there in record time. To see HYDRA already cornering my team. I growled in anger. I ignored the camera crew. And all the people who crowed around, because they're nosy asses. Where was the police? I couldn't tell you. But it didn't matter. I was here and my team was going to be here soon. "Hey! Step the fuck away from my team!", I yelled at the team of HYDRA men. One turned around and smirked at me. My eyes widened. Oh fuck me. Why! Why did it have to be him? Of all people?! I gulped nervously.

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