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(Continuing from the first chapter)

Third person POV

Henrietta Wilson was one to always check up on her friends. Even ones like Buck. Buck was still her friend. But was still hurt after the whole lawsuit thing. But that didn't mean she didn't care about him. She did. And she knew the crew did too. They were just taking it differently then she was. But what concerned her today was when she walked into the locker room and saw Buck resting his head on his locker. He didn't seem to notice that she was in the same room as him. But what concerned her was the big bruise that he had on his back. She walked over to the man she considered her friend. She raised her hand and lightly touched his bruised back. How had this happened? Did someone hurt him? Did he hurt himself? But once she touched his injured back, she felt him tense up. That really concerned her. He never tended up on anybody. "Buck what happened?", she asked him softly. He didn't turn to look at her. She heard him sigh. "I'm fine, I just hurt my back the other day, I'm fine", he said gruffly. She watched as he grabbed his shirt and threw it on. Again he didn't look at her. She just watched as he walked out of the room. What was wrong with Buck? Why was he acting so distant? Was it because of the others? She knew how they treated him and she didn't like it. But Bobby was her captain. She couldn't do a thing about it. She sighed and walked out of the locker room. She watched the whole ideal play out. She watched as the two boys she considered friends. They too were once friends. But one was too afraid to even look at one and the other was just so angry at the other. She knew how both the boys felt about each other. They were so obvious before. And now they couldn't even talk without one of them insulting the other. She waited to hear Eddie insult him or yell at him. But before Eddie could even say anything. Buck walked away with his head down. She watched as Eddie just watched him leave with a permanent glare in his eyes.

She walked over to him. She watched as buck walked away. "I'm worried about him", she said to Eddie. She heard Eddie scuff. "Why? He's just feeling guilty and is hating his punishment, he deserves this", he said.

'Yeah but he doesn't deserve his best friend hating him and not having his back like he once promised' she thought.

She just sighed and walked away. She knew something was wrong with her young teammate. She's known Buck a long time. He was never sad or depressed like this for long. He would get over it and be the happy buckaroo they all knew. But this wasn't the Buck she knew. The one that didn't stick up for himself, the one that tensed up when someone would touch him. The one that doesn't smile or laugh. She didn't know this Buck and she was very suspicious and worried. She would have to talk to Maddie about it. Because she would be the one to know her brother.


After her shift she went to Maddie's house. She knocked on the door. Only to be face to face with chimney. He smiled in surprise. "Oh hey Hen, whatcha doin' here?", he asked her politely. She smiled at her best friend. "I have to talk to Maddie", she said. "Oh alright, she's on the couch, come on in", he said. He stepped to the side so she could walk in. She walked into the house. It was always so roomy and clean. But that wasn't the reason she was here. She was here to talk about Buck.

She walked over to the couch to see Maddie on her phone. The girl looked up and saw Henrietta. She smiled. "Hey Hen", she said smiling at her. Hen sat down next to her. She smiled at her before going into business. "Have you talked to your brother any time soon?", she asked her. Maddie looked at her confused. "I've been texting him, but he hasn't been responding to much of my text messages, I just thought he's been busy, what's wrong?", she asked her. She was concerned about her brother. She hasn't really seen him at any of the functions that the team has had and that worried her.

Hen sighed. "It's just that things at work haven't been the same, he hardly ever mutters a word to anyone, and we all know Buck, he never shuts up, And today I noticed he had a huge bruise on his back, did he tell you about that?", she asked Maddie. Maddie nodded. "He said he hurt it, but he never really told me how, but that was like a week ago, do you think this has to do with his blood thinners?", she asked Hen. Hen nodded. "I think so, but I would keep a closer eye on him, he hasn't been the same since the lawsuit", she said.

"I thought that was over with, the last time I saw Buck he said things at work have went back to normal, why would he lie to me? Is Eddie still yelling at him?", Maddie asked Hen.

Hen raised a eyebrow. "How did you know?", she asked Maddie. "I once came over to see Howie, but I walked in on Eddie yelling at Buck, it seemed pretty heated, I thought they liked each other", Maddie said really confused. "I thought the same too, but Buck looks like a lost puppy whenever Eddie yells at him, I didn't know he had it in him to do that to him, I mean they're best friends", Hen said. She thought that just because Eddie was mad, didn't mean he had to go and yell at the poor guy. She wasn't clueless when she saw them before everything, Eddie looked at the man like he rose the freaking sun into the sky. And that was saying something.

"Were", they both heard chimney say. They both looked up and raised an accusing eyebrow at him. "What? I'm just saying, best friends don't yell at each other like that", he said raising his hands up in mock surrender.

Maddie rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone. "Who are you calling?", Hen asked her. But Maddie didn't say anything. She had the person on speaker phone. "Hello?", they heard the gruff voice on the other end. "Buck? Are you okay?", she asked. "Oh hey mads, yeah I'm fine, I'm just at home laying down", he said. But he didn't sound happy, and he usually was always happy to hear from his sister. "Are you sure? You don't sound alright", Maddie asked him.

"I'm pretty sure, I'm just tired, I got to go, I'm tired, I'll talk to you later, love you", he said. He then hung up. Maddie dropped her phone. She looked at the floor for a second. "Maddie?", hen asked her. "He's depressed, I've only seen him like this once before, and that was before I left, he's depressed", she whispered. She got up and grabbed her keys.

"Where are you going?", chimney asked her. She turned to look at him. "My brother needs me", she said before racing out of the house.

The suspicion was correct. They had a depressed Buck. And that wasn't good. A depressed Buck is never a good thing.

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