He's alive?

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Third person POV

Lena had no idea what she was doing. But she couldn't turn back now, seeing as she was in front of the 118 firehouse. Her palms felt sweaty, her heart was hammering against her chest. But she knew she had to. She had to tell them. They deserve to know to the truth. So she did the right thing, she walked into the firehouse. Still not knowing what to say or do. But she had to do something.

But as soon as she walked into the firehouse. Something was wrong. It just felt wrong. It felt cold. It was too quiet. No laughter. No scent of cooking. Nothing. And then and there. She knew Evan Buckley was the heart and soul of this firehouse. She sighed and continued to walk further into the firehouse. Until she was at the stairs. She hesitated. She slowly placed a hand on the railing and slowly made her way up the stairs. She had no idea how they were going to look. She already had a inking of how they took Buck's supposed death. And from what she's heard. Wasn't good. Not good at all. She sighed again, and she finally made it to the top of the stairs.

'Looking up from underneath
Fractured moonlight on the sea
Reflections still look the same to me
As before I went under'

What she saw was not what she was expecting. Yeah she might not have stayed here long enough to really know them. But damn. It was like a damn ghost town up here. She happened to catch a glimpse of something on the wall. It was Buck's photo. But that wasn't what it really was. It was more like a memorial for the man. She gulped. She looked back the others. This. Was not good. Not good at all.

Hen was slouching over the couch, a book in her hand. But it seemed as if she was just staring at the page that she was on and not really looking at it. And it didn't seem like she had been getting any sleep either.

Chimney was right next to her. But he wasn't reading any book, he was staring at the tv. It was the news. But as she stared long enough in the man's eyes, it looked like no one was home. It was actually kinda creepy if you asked her. But like Hen, he didn't look like he had been getting any sleep.

Bobby, he was leaning against the kitchen counter. A coffee cup in his hand. He was just staring at it. Never moving his eyes away from said cup. And Lena knew from her time there, that the cup belonged to Buck. Lena also knew the relationship that Bobby and Buck had together. Father and son. And it must have felt like losing a son. She honestly felt bad for the man. But maybe he would feel better once she told him the truth. He also didn't look like he had been getting any sleep. Probably having nightmares of losing Buck. She knew that he was in there, in that burning fire, to drag Eddie out of it before the building could actually fall on the both of them.

And then there was Eddie. He definitely looked like shit. He looked as if he hadn't slept, ate, or shaved for the past week. His poster was all slouched over as he sat in his seat. And from where she was standing. She could see him gripping a shirt in his hands. Tightly. As if it was a lifeline. Or if it could bring buck back. It must have been Buck's. She knew, she knew he was there. And that buck had sacrificed his life for Eddie's. That must have messed him up pretty badly. She wasn't stupid either. She saw the way those two dumbasses stared at each other. She knew they loved each other. Just never got the chance to admit it. But now, now they just might.

'And it's peaceful in the deep
Cathedral where you cannot breathe
No need to pray, no need to speak
Now I am under all
And it's breaking over me
A thousand miles down to the sea bed
Found the place to rest my head'

She sighed again and cleared her throat to get their attention. She thought they would have noticed her at where she was standing. But she guessed that they were all in their own trances. Too busy in their own thoughts. Still too busy mourning. But as soon as she cleared her throat. They snapped out of it and looked at her. "Oh hello Lena. How are you today?", Bobby asked her with a small smile. But she saw that it didn't reach his eyes. She gave him back a small smile of her own. "I'm good, thank you Captain Nash. Eddie, you okay?", she said, turning to look at Eddie.

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