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(Part 2 to Secret) (Enjoy)

Buck's POV

Things have been going good, I guess. Okay, maybe that was a lie. Things have been shit. I hate wearing these stupid clothes and wearing this damn crown. It's stupid. Can you look at me and not say tacky? I mean look at me!

 Can you look at me and not say tacky? I mean look at me!

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I look ridiculous! Ugh! I swear. I hate this place. Especially when everyone treats me differently. Like they're up my ass all the time. Being kiss asses. I know when people are being genuine and they're not. It sucks. I miss my real family. I miss them. But I know it's better now. They have their own family. Before they didn't even want to see me. They hated my guts. They should be good now that I'm gone. I'm won't be exhausting anymore. I know I can be. I never know when to just shut up. Or to know what to do. I never think before doing. Even though I'm over 300 hundred years old. And I was acting like I was still 100. I need to grow up and man up to my responsibilities. I need to be a man. And that's what I'm trying to be. I'm going to do good by my people, for my country, to be a better man. I have to be. Or else I don't know what I'll do.

It's been a whole month since we left. And I still can't get used to being 'Home'. This place will never be my home. Why do you think I left? I didn't want to be here. But what's even worse, is that Maddie has been kind of distant. She hardly talks to me. And I don't know why. Maybe she feels guilty? Or am I the one that feels guilty? Does she blame me for what happened? I tried to get the hell out of there before they found us. I tried my best!

*Sigh* I don't know anymore. My sister won't talk to me. My family doesn't want me. Even though Eddie said he did. What if he just said that, what if he didn't mean any of it? I don't want to think about it anymore. Besides, I got other important things to do.


I took a deep breath in and let it out before making my way into the throne room. I hate this place. I hate this place. I hate this place. But I can't let my parents see me like this or else I'll get another lecture. So I walked in, with neither a smile or a frown on my face. Emotionless. Exactly the way my parents want me to be. "Evan, finally you have graced us with your presence. Come, sit. We have many things to discuss", my mother told me. Oh yay, I have to sit there and act like I'm actually interested in what they are saying. Goodie me.

I kept myself from sighing and walked over to my throne. Ugh stupid throne. It was right next to Maddie's. Who was trying to keep from making eye contact. Okay, that one hurt. So I sat there, and right as I did, they began to talk. And I kinda just sat there and ignored them. It was easy. Seeing as I've done it before. So it wasn't as hard. But it was so borrring! Sitting here, acting like someone that I know I'm not. I could feel the beast inside me stirring to do something. Anything. I just needed to do something.

But then it happened. A man that I've known for most of his life. He may seem like he's older then me, but he's only 62. He was a nice man, didn't treat me like I was some stuck up royal. But he only does that when we're alone. Because if he treated me like he did, my parents would have a fit. Even though I tell them again and again that I want to be treated the way he treats me. But no, apparently I'm not a peasant. We're not back in the 1700's anymore! We're in the 21 century! But no, my parents will never get along with the times.

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