Poker Face

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The 12th division wasn't the only uninvited guests within the summit. It appears to be a couple, a man with slicked-back hair with a ponytail and a black tuxedo on. He also has a scar running across his nose. He is with an attractive woman who has long green straightened hair and wearing a hot pink dress.

"Remember, we're not here to make a scene, just to have fun for now." The man said.

"Fine, I know, Kit-Kit..." The woman said. 

This was none other than Amy and Kitai, both members of the Yamada. 

Kitai appears very different, and actually somewhat normal, without his gas mask over his face. Amy appeared somewhat different, although the same two shades remained on her.

"Father told us just to scope out this place after all. I don't see anyone special here though." Kitai said.

"Maybe we can play a game instead..." Amy said.

"No, you know you can't do that here."


"Now, let's see if we can find ourselves a good area in case this whole place goes to shit."

"You sure are cautious Kit-Kit."

"Doesn't hurt to be safe."

"Ooh... Maybe we can do something more fun..." Amy said as something caught her eye.

"No, Amy... What don't you understand about not making a scene??" Kita asked.

Sometimes she doesn't really listen, which Kitai's patience grew thin from.

"No, look." Amy said while pointing across the room. 

Kitai looks and he sees Jiro with Patti looking around.

"Hm... Maybe this will be a bit of fun after all." Kitai said. 

Jiro and Patti stood around quite awkwardly, clearly waiting for Maria and Yuki to get back.

"How long do you think they're gonna take?" Jiro asked, as if they couldn't carry a conversation without them.

"Oh would you just wait... That's like the third time you asked..." Patti said.

Wow, she really doesn't like that outfit... That's only the first time I asked that..., Jiro thought before being bumped into someone from behind.

"Hey, watch it." Jiro said.

"My apologies..." Kitai said,

Kitai's smirk revealed it was him who bumped into Jiro, and obviously, it was the furthest thing from an accident. 

Jiro realizes his face and immediately is smacked with terror.

What the hell is he doing here?!?!, Jiro thought before remembering the last time he saw Kitai. 

He remembered the heavy threat from Vince, warning him of his ill fate if or whenever they meet again.

Don't tell me that they're actually here to kill me?!?! Have they been watching me this whole time?!?!, Jiro thought as he felt as helpless as a trapped mouse.

"I said I was sorry pal, what's with that look?" Kitai said, playfully acting as if they've never met. 

Kitai had an advantage on his side, as the IJA, aside from Kemuri, isn't sure of Kitai's mature appearance.

Something's wrong... Jiro doesn't get a look like that from a bump... Did he do something? We don't have time for games right now..., Patti thought, then said, "Mhm... Honey, are you gonna introduce me to your friend..."

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