Morning Shift

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Yuki couldn't sleep, even though he was the only one complaining about waking up this morning. 

His anger for the overall situation kept him up through the night, along with the curiosity of Jiro's past. Overthinking is a side effect of insomnia after all. 

He continued to stare out the window, waiting for whenever the time was for them to leave. He merely realized that he stood up for more than necessary when it was far too late to go to sleep. 

Yuki looked down at his watch and it was 5:31in the morning.

"Should be any minute now..." Yuki said.

Yuki looked over at Jiro, who is still asleep.

"I should wake him up..." Yuki said before doing the half-ass version of what he intended, by throwing a pillow at Jiro in his bed.

"The hell..." Jiro softly said as he got up, although he didn't get out from under the covers just yet.

No one fully gets out the covers the second they get up.

"Get up. You're coming with me." Yuki said.

"What the... What time is it?" Jiro asked.

Jiro was still confused as to why he was up before the sunrise. It hasn't hit him that it's a new day now, nor that he was fully awake for that matter.

"It's almost 6." Yuki said.

"Fine." Jiro said, finally getting out from the covers.

Yuki looks back out the window after waking Jiro and spots Kama talking with another guard as the both of them are departing from the Citadel. Kama has a long tube-like bag over his shoulder and the other man has a duffel bag.

"He's leaving now." Yuki said, trying to make Jiro pick up the pace.

"Alright... I'm ready..." Jiro said.

Kama usually left his shift around this time as the morning shift sometimes came in earlier than usual to relieve them of their duties. They would often do the same for their night shift as well.

"If I were you I would've asked for a raise man." The guard said.

"Yeah, well I was just doin' my job, that's all." Kama said.

"You're way too humble man."

"Hah! I wish." Kama said. 

Jiro and Yuki remained behind the two guards as they continued to walk together through the empty streets of Fuyu. 

It wasn't completely empty as some shop owners were taking care of trash and other things preferably done in the morning just before business. The business district of Fuyu never slept.

"All we have to do is tail him." Yuki said.

"You know we can get closer than this..." Jiro said as they were nearly 40 feet away from Kama and the guard.

"Just follow my lead." Yuki said, even though Jiro was right, he paid him no mind thinking that he didn't have much experience doing this.

"Alright, see ya tonight!" Kama said.

"Yeah, yeah, see ya!" The guard replied as the both of them split up. 

Kama is now walking with his hands in his pocket.

Why did he bring me with him... Out of all the people he could've woke up he chose me... Why? After what I did... Why?, Jiro thought.

They continued to trail Kama, Jiro wasn't really all there at the moment, his body just aimlessly followed Yuki's lead.

"Stop." Yuki said.

"Huh..." Jiro replied.

He wasn't paying much attention, but the harsh breaks did wake him up a little more.

"He's just standing there now." Yuki said as both of them remained hidden. 

Kama, on the other hand, was standing in the dark street that was once crowded. Kama sighed.

"What is he doing?" Yuki asked.

"Crap..." Jiro said 

Jiro caught on much quicker than Yuki, who now realized what was happening.

"I know you're here, so just come out and face me..." Kama said.

What?! When were we spotted?! How did he notice?!?!, Yuki thought. 

Kama takes his bag off of his shoulder.

"What's it gonna be?" Kama said.

"Stay here..." Yuki said to Jiro while they still refrained from revealing themselves.

"What? You're not gonna actually go out there?" Jiro said, questioning Yuki's thought process as the entirety of it was completely reckless.

"Fine! You got me!" Yuki shouted at Kama.

I'll have to think of a plan... I don't even know what he has in that bag either... There's possibly a weapon within there, so I should be cautious of what he does..., Yuki thought.

"So you're one of the agents that was sent here, right?" Kama asked.

Is he crazy... Why would he willingly go out first even when I'm here?, Jiro thought.

Jiro still remained hidden, watching Yuki improv to his best ability.

"Still don't know why you would want to follow me, the man who saved the princess..." Kama said.

"Well, we have reason to believe that you are behind this attempt..." Yuki said, completely revealing his motive in the process.

Kama smirks, then says, "Well you must be mistaken..." Kindness does indeed go a long way.

"Fine. Prove it to me... If you aren't from the Ishikawa family, then you shouldn't have a tattoo on your chest." Yuki said.

Once again, revealing much more information than what was necessary at the moment.

"Tch..." Kama sucked his teeth, then thought, Just how much do they know...

Kama then zips open the bag he carried over his shoulder and pulls out something without losing eye contact with Yuki.

"Let's see what you got." Kama said as he pulled out a katana.

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