The only thing his majesty did after hearing whatever his butler had to say was do a slight nod that seem to consent for something.

'It seems that something must have happened.'
High priest Nicolas looks at the exchange and took a slow sip of the warm tea he was served.

He follows Raphael's movements and felt quite disappointed that such a find and pretty man was just a butler. He found the cold beauty to be in his liking but knew he shouldn't go over his boundaries against the Eternity empire by asking to get the butler. He has heard that he is considered like a brother to the emperor and even the previous empress would call him "my adorable son" when she sees him.

High priest Nicolas raises his eyebrows in pleasant surprise when he sees who has entered the room.

'Oh~? Why isn't this a sight to behold. The high minister switched with the butler to be beside his highness.'

Nicolas looks at how the man is dressed in the robes that represent his high standing. The mulberry color makes the gold and silver stitches pop out and has one center on those designs.

'If a pure amateur of magic sees this robe, they would just think the robe is a simple well designed one. But truth be told, those designs are layered with enchanting spells, and 4th level mid tier one too. I can even sense a high level spell too.'

The man smiles and looks up to Seraph's face and can see the man looking at him calmly, but he can sense a glare behind those calm eyes.

Those eyes that hold a deep and dark magenta, the gray that looks like the shades of evening mix with the magenta that creates a mysterious feel. His dark grey hair that appears like silver wool seem soft but dangerous at the same time. His monocle gave him a scholar feel, but his looks added mystery to it overall. He was a man who leaned into using his intelligence, rather than brute strength. He always reminds Nicolas of a full moon night.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise! To meet high minister Seraph. How are you?"
Nicolas smiled warmly at Seraph. He stood up to give him a handshake.

Seraph looks at the hand  for a while. It seemed like he wasn't going to shake it but then reaches out and grasps it.

"It is a pleasure to meet one of the high priests. Even more so one with such a famous background."
Seraph was smiling but his eyes were not.

The holy knights there furrowed their brows and were not pleased to hear what Seraph said, but they knew that they needed to stay in their place and not speak out of turn again.

Seraph let go of the man's hand and stood behind the seat that Mihkael was sitting. Before they could continue in their conversation, Nicolas brought up about the strange behavior just moments ago.

"I see that you have switched with sir Raphael. Did something happen that needs his attention?"

Seraph narrows his eyes but quickly switched to a professional smile.

"It is not something you should worry about, just that he was needed by one of the stewards to help in accounting the food budget. He believes that there was a bit of miscalculation, so he asked for Raphael to check."

"Oh I see. Here I thought it might have something to with this empire's precious jewel."

"!!! What do you mean by that High priest Nicolas?"
Mihkael spoke before Seraph could, and didn't like how this man might know something that they are trying to hide.

"Haha do forgive me, I just like to speculate. Nothing more that that."
He didn't try to elaborate more in what he said, but both Seraph and Mihkael knew it was best not to pressure him to speak more of the topic, if they did, then he would be proven right that something happened. Even more so when he is using the jewel as a metaphor for Sakura.

While they are having a battle of wits, Raphael is carrying Sakura to her room with Gabriel following behind.

"What happened? How did she end up in such a state?"

Raphael was anxious when he first saw Sakura. She was crying in Seraph's arms. Her whole body trembling and her face just hidden in Seraph's robes.

He knew that Mihkael must be worried now as well when he had to tell him another "incident" occurred. When he was let out again to switch with Seraph, he saw how her face seem to hold so much pain.

The way she reached out to him hurt him deeply because of what she said.

"Raphael. It hurts, it hurts so much. Why weren't you there? You promised that you'll always be there, that you wouldn't leave me."

It took all of Raphael's will power to not cry when he heard her sad and lost tone. As if she lost the only thing she had.

"I'm sorry my dear princess, I had to do something, but I would never break my promise to you. You know I will never leave you."

He gently brushes her hair with his fingers, calming her while she holds tight. Just when they reach her room. Sakura's breathing steadies to a more balanced rythm rather than the big intakes of air and hiccupping.

He slightly slides her face to the side and sees her sleeping in his arms, but her hands are holding his dress shirt with a tight grip. Her closed eyes were red and puffy from crying. His heart ached even more from the sight.

He gently held her head and rested it in his shoulder while sitting in a chair in her room.

"You won't put her in bed?"
Gabriel sees his friend shake his head no and looks at him with a sad smile.

"I worry the moment I try to pry her hands to let go so she can sleep better in bed, that she would misunderstand and believe that I'm leaving her,or lied to her that I would stay by her side."

Raphael didn't want to even think how strong her reaction would be. He sighs and gently pats her back just like he used to do when she was a baby who couldn't walk. It always helped her to sleep better while he hummed a soothing and little lullaby for her.

Gabriel watches the scene and can see how relaxed and safe Sakura feels in Raphael's arms.

'She seems to fully trust that Raphael would always stay by her side. That's what surprises me the most, the constant need to just have Raphael seems out of desperation and fear of something, but fear of what? Abandonment? Being alone? That is what I don't understand. I know that for the recent months Mihkael gives her full attention and the others visit her through the work hours. So why does she have this constant fear of being left by Raphael? She wouldn't be alone if he did since there are others beside her?'

Gabriel looks at her but sighs in defeat. He can't find the reason for her irrational behavior, but he just feels there must be a reason he just hasn't noticed it yet.

'For now, when she has such moments, it's better to just directly take her to Raphael and have him comfort her until she opens up to us and relies on us.'

Gabriel quietly walks forward and leans in to gently caress her hair. Her silver blond hair sticks to her tear stained face, he softly moved those strands away and looked at her.

"We all promised to protect Sakura to her majesty Aurora. Yet it seems we did quite the bad job at it, only you seem to have done a better job."
Gabriel tries to smile, but his eyes held a sad gaze when he did.

"No, you all are doing a great job, just that her highness is a cautious child, to her, I am the most familiar face. She just needs time to get comfortable with you all too."
Raphael can see his friends pitiful expression and tried to lighten his mood.

"I just feel... like there is more to this than what we both see... no, nevermind. I just hope you are right."
Gabriel leans back and stands straight.

"I'll go to the others. I bet they still want to know her highness state."

"Understood. Then I'll stay with her highness till she wakes."
Raphael smiles a goodbye and then continues humming a light tune for Sakura.

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