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The halls of Headquarters have been quite occupied lately, in particular, one within the main building had a commercial avenue compared to average. 

One agent, the very agent who accompanied Harmony, the captain of the 7th Division, into the basement. His name was Mars Hoffman, professionally known as just agent Hoffman, and he looked neat, as usual. 

He found himself with Harmony again as both of them seemed to be going to the same location, wherever that may be.

"I still can't believe this happened right under our noses." Hoffman said.

"You're the only one that knows, other than the other captains and myself. So it'd be wise if you keep it that way..."

"Uh... yes ma'am." Hoffman said as Harmony's threat, although her appearance is probably the farthest from intimidating, was no loose threat at all. She still is one of the twelve strongest members of the IJA after all.

"Now, let's get going." Harmony said.

"Ok, I think the room is right here." Hoffman said, then he swiped his ID card on a room door. The doors beeps from authentication, then opens.

"This is the surveillance room." Hoffman says as he shows Harmony all the camera angles within this nearly one hundred inch screen. 

The room itself was quite cold in comparison to the hall, as if it was haunted or something. Nonetheless, this equipment survived longer in the cold, even though the cold itself was quite an abnormal shift, it was as if they were being watched by ghouls paused in contempt.

"Do we not have someone in this room stationed?" Harmony asked, the room wasn't that large, just big enough to hold the display along with a few CPUs and a desk with a comfortable chair.

"No, we didn't think it'd be necessary since most of the system is operated by JIL." Hoffman said. This room alone seems prehistoric with JIL running most of the technological operations now.

"Alright. Then there must be something wrong with the system right? Why weren't any of us warned while this was happening?" Harmony asked.

"That's a good question. We should just check the recording and see what was caught."

"Alright. Check it." Harmony said, then Hoffman sits down and starts working on the keyboard and mouse that was connected to this absurd display.

"Alright we'll first have to find out their entry point." Hoffman said.

"It would be easier if we track their movements in reverse, wouldn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Locate them from the basement cells and work from there back to where they originally entered."

"Oh, that makes more sense..." Hoffman said, then began typing on the computer. He then halts from typing any further and has a nervous look as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Have you found it yet?" Harmony asked.

"You should take a look at this..." Hoffman said. 

Harmony looked at the display and the both of them saw Vlad knocked out and pretty beat up as he was being carried over Vince's shoulder and he is next to Kitai.

That's him... That's the man that defeated Vlad by himself... He doesn't even have a scratch on him... Just how strong are they..., Harmony thought.

"We'll... We'll just have to track their movements from here right?" Hoffman said.


"It seems they head back up the elevator and to the main level. And they head out through the main doors. They leave on an old red pickup." Hoffman said as he watched the Yamada members next steps after they kidnapped Vlad.

"Can you ID the plates?" Harmony asked.

"Yes. It is 1982."

"Let's head out then. We'll need someone to put a hit on those plates asap."

"Yes ma'am." Hoffman said as the both of them exit the room.

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