Tragic First Love.

Start from the beginning

"I never told you those things so you will see me as the victim.... I told you those things because I trusted you to be there and to listen to my worries, I have never seen my emotional pain as use to gain your pity, but because I but my whole heart in believing you I-"

He raised his voice and cut her off in continuing.
"Is that the only thing you care about right now? Are you trying to waste time and avoid the main thing right now!? What you want to tell me just sound like excuses and you trying to avoid your punishment from trying to lay a hand on Rose!"

"Wait Adonis, maybe the things you heard were wrong, I don't believe my sister would do those things to me."
He held Rose close to him, and looked down at her in pity because she started to cry.

"It is because you are pure and naive that you can't see the bad in people, but do not worry, I'll make sure that all the injustice you suffered will be heard and the person who tried to hurt you is punished, even if she is trying to cover her wrongdoings."

He turns to Sakura and glares at her, she takes a step back and shakes her head, her rosy lips opening and closing, but no words are said.

"Sakura, I want you to confess your crimes and receive your punishment for them, but if you still try to deny it, then I would go to the emperor and tell him everything."

Sakura winced at hearing he would say all this to her father. She knew that her father held her half sister in a special place in his heart, he treated Rose more as a daughter than he has ever done so for Sakura. To her it seemed as if Rose was the one he raised since infancy, rather than Sakura.

She didn't know if her father would look deeper into the situation or believe that she actually done any of those things she was being accused of.

Sakura snaps out of her thoughts when she sees Adonis turn with her sister to leave the room they were in.

Sakura runs to him and grabs his arm before he leaves. He quickly shakes it off which in turn caused Sakura to sense another knife pierce her heart, but she tried to ignore it.

He turns his head to her, waiting for her to speak quickly, if not, he would just walk away and not stop to turn to her again. And the thought of that scared Sakura that she quickly spoke.

"Please Adonis! I do not know what you have heard, but those things that were told to you were exaggerations. I won't lie that I warned her of her actions, but I did so because she represents the royal family. Her every move and words will be judged! so I advised her to not do things that a noble would not do! And I did call to her to speak behind the school, but I never once slapped her or tried to physically harm her! And I have never once asked others to harm her. I swear to you Adonis. I swear in the name of my mother! And you know I hold her close to my heart and would never lie in her name."

Her eyes redden as if close to tears, her hazel gold-ish  and silver eyes grew hazy. She reaches out to hold his arm again, but was stopped by hands grabbing her wrist.

He let go of Rose's waist and held both of Sakura's wrists, his whold body was turn to her and he was looking straight into her eyes.

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