I Need to Protect Them!

Start from the beginning

(Vita stands with horror in her face. Merlin and Sion are speechless.)

Vita: Master...master...

Miranda: Ah~ And here I thought I have founded a worthy opponent for myself. Let us finish this.

(She grabs Joss by the hair and pulls him closer to her.)

Miranda: In spite of your valor, I will give you a quick death.

(She turns to see the face of Joss' friends. She shares a comforting smile. Putting her right hand near his chest, she held him to the sky, then she whispers some words.)

Miranda: Solar Ray.

(A huge burst of light flew out of her hand, clearing the sky and leaving destruction in his way. After a moment, there was nothing. A piece of Joss clothes flies by and she grabs it. Miranda looks around in silence, then turns to Merlin and Co. Vita begins to scream in horror.)


Shion: Im-...Imposible...

Welf: But...

(Metalicana looks down. Merlin closes her eyes. Grieve accompany her face as she watches what was left of Joss. She searches for him through magic but can't find a thing.)

Michael: Shall we kill them?

(He approaches with black flames. Merlin opens her eyes.)

Miranda: I will not do that if I were you, Michael.

Merlin: Release restriction level 1.

(The air around Merlin changed entirely. She became the entity of darkness. Michael felt a parylizing gaze as Merlin engulfed her comrade and flew out of the scene.)

Miranda: Let's return to our dear Queen.

(Miranda turns and begins to walk alongside her servants. On the other hand, Merlin arrives at the feet of a mountain and makes wards around it, making sure there was no one. She checks upon Welf, who fell unconscious, Anastacya who was asleep. Metalicana was speechless with Shion. They all heard the cries of Vita; whose tears were like rain. Merlin tries to search again for Joss but is unable to feel his presence in all Oamni. After some time, Vita falls unconscious in the ground.)

(A day later, Vita wakes up to the sound of someone talking. She finds herself covered in bandages. Although, it hurts to move, she walks outside a little tent, only to find her comrades dressed in black and a cross on the floor. Merlin sees her and tries to approach the girl.)

Vita: Wh-What is this?

Merlin: It is a costume, from where he came, that they do this for the people that have died.

Vita: He...(Begins to sob) He isn't dead!!!

(Anastacya hugs her tightly, tears flow by. Shion begins to cry too and Welf just turns around. Metalicana stands idle in front of the cross.)

Merlin: There is nothing we can do, Vita. We will mourn him and continue.


Merlin: He gave his life trying to save ours! We...We must be grateful and continue with our gift...the gift he gave us. Life.

(All began to sob. Metalicana kneels near the cross.)

Metalicana: I was supposed to take you as my target. It seems you gave your stupid life to save mine. That is what you get in this world. The weak dies whereas the stronger survives. I will not forget this, Deadman.

(In the middle of the grieving, Vita hears a female voice.)

Voice: Vita...come...

(Vita opens her eyes and tries to search for the voice but is unable.)

Voice: He...is alive. In a distant place. Where the old, meet the new. Where land is untamed. Follow me.

(She unclutches herself from Anastacya and begins to run out of the camp. Away from the mountain. She stops at the open forest. Merlin and Anastacya follow her.)

Anastacya: Wait! Vita. Where are you going?

Vita: He is alive.

Merlin: Vita, he isn't. I have searched All Oamni and was unable. Even with Cerberus. They just...vanished. It's impossible to survive an attack at point blank from her.

Vita: I will search for him. Even if you don't believe me. I will do. He gave me a life, a name, a meaning. He could be badly hurt, somewhere...

Anastacya: But Vita---

Merlin: If that is what you wish, I will prepare some utilities and leave you with my blessings.

Vita: Thanks Merlin.

(Vita packed the essentials and with a long goodbye, some tears from their friends and the blessings of Merlin, she embarked herself in a quest for her Master. Merlin walks back with Anastacya, who seem to be upset.)

Anastacya: Why did you let her leave?!

Merlin: Wait. Shion, come.

(Shion went to her)

Merlin: In life, you will make acquaintances, comrades, friends, even family. It will be normal that some of them will stay in our life, and others...(She looks at the cross)...but you must continue.

Shion: You talk as if he was just any other person! He was like...a brother to me!

Merlin: I KNOW! I have lost too many friends too! Dear friends whom started with me from scratch! I have seen people die in front of me, people who didn't even deserved that fate!

(Both were startled by her high voice)

Merlin: Just...stay together. You need to be strong. In order to overcome all things that will come to you.

Merlin: I have failed to both of you. And to Joss. In order to make up for that, I will train you with the harshest, must impossible way. Within some time, you will be able to even surpass me. So no more tragedy befalls to you.

(With tears in both Shion and Anastacya, they gave Merlin a serious powerful gaze in approval of her words.)

Merlin: We will start training now. Follow me.


                                                                                          The End

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