Chapter 17

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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

"Now... Does anyone here know how two people are taught how to kiss each other?" my psychotic teacher asked, and when no one raised their hands, he pouted, sticking out his lower lip as if he would look adorable. He looked more disgusting than adorable though... No offence or anything, but it is kinda true.

"Well, since none of you know, I have to go over it again." he whined, "So, the director would pretty much have them practice kissing, and they would watch videos of people kissing to learn their techniques! For today's class, I want you to find a partner and learn how to kiss each other!"

My jaw dropped to the floor, and so did the ones of many others.

"What?" my teacher asked us, and looking closely, I can see him suppressing a smile. What the...

"You want us to kiss each other." someone stated with a tone of utter disbelief.

"I believe I said that, so yes."

"The fuck?" the same person exclaimed, and before anyone could recuperate the sentiment, my teacher burst into laughter as tears leaked out of his eyes.

The entire class could only stare at him like he had grown a second head. This teacher had problems, I swear his mental problems are worse than mine.

"Nah, I'm kidding with you guys." He chuckled, wiping a stray tear as the rest of us still stared at him like we didn't trust him at all.

"So the words you just spoke before were just you joking with us?" Caroline spoke up, and Monsieur Brodeur nodded his head.

"Yeah, I would never act that unprofessional." he confessed, his expression much more serious.

I don't think my brain was still processing what has happened the past few minutes, and looking around me, no one else did either. I was still trying to understand the words my ears were hearing.

"No, I did not lie about my name and I am French if you can't tell. But, from the looks of your faces, I can tell you that I am not crazy or psychotic. It was a drama act I played."

"Well you certainly did a good job." someone muttered, and he gave a big grin.

"I know," he answered smugly, "I've been practicing the psycho act for years. It would be a shame if I haven't yet."

"Anyways, today we are just going to do an introduction game to drama." he continued. "I want everyone to stand in a circle around each other. I will act out an animal, and whoever guesses it first gets to be the one standing in the circle."

Five minutes into the game, everyone was refusing to go stand in the circle, and Monsieur Brodeur let out a sigh.

"Do you guys really want me to start marking you guys on your participation skills?"

The entire class shook their heads in horror, and Monsieur Brodeur laughed, "Then you guys will have to start participating! How am I supposed to play with only two people talking and guessing?"


"So how was your lesson?" Elena asked me when we arrived for lunch.

"It was alright. Nothing much to talk about." I shrugged, and Elena frowned but said nothing.

"Oh, alright. Well I had Visual Arts and it was boring." she complained, "I couldn't even do anything there because the stupid teacher didn't teach me anything. All she did was give us a picture to draw and for us to copy. What the hell are we supposed to learn in copying art?" 

Family Comes FirstTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon