Chapter 23

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- A m a r a   R u s s o -

"We are going to be flying on this?" I shrieked, gesturing with my hand to the private jet that was in front of me. Salvatore frowned at my behaviour.

"Is there a problem with it?" he asked, and I shook my head, a look of incredulity crossing my face.

"No! Why are we going on this anyways? Couldn't we have taken a normal flight?" I asked exasperatedly, and Salvatore shook his head.

"It isn't even comfortable. Anyways, I would pay for business class, but there's too many seats to book and it is way too squishy. Plus, there's no privacy on a public plane, and I'd be wasting precious hours where I could be doing work." Salvatore shrugged.

"There would be too much paparazzi, cameras, and media if we flew on a public plane as well." Sandeo added, being the helpful person he always was.

"So we just had to take a private flight?"

"Yeah, it was pretty much the only option." Santino responded this time, and didn't wait for me before climbing into the plane.

Shaking my head, I climbed in as well to be met with the most luxurious plane I've ever seen.

A chandelier hung from the top of the plane, and there were multiple chairs at the front that had cushions on them and a place to put our feet. Behind the chairs was a curtain that had a bed at the side with a working table. It even has a fricking lamp and desk drawers. At the front of the plane was the bathroom, and there was a shower included. Talk about extra right here.

I gingerly sat onto one of the cushioned chairs, and unintentionally relaxed into its soft cushion. Unable to suppress the yawn trying to break free, a wave of tiredness came, and I looked out the window to be met with the littlest bit of light.

I mean, it was only the crack of dawn when Salvatore had roused me from bed and had rushed me outside and into the car.

"Sleep, Amara. I know you are tired." Salvatore ordered, and I didn't need any more persuasion when I was lulled into sleep as Salvatore picked me up, bringing me to who knows where.


"You guys will have to be quiet. Young Master and Mistress Romano are still sleeping." the person driving us said as he drove the six of us to the mansion Samantha and Mr. Romano lived in.

It was only about eight in the morning here in Los Angeles, California, which means that the city was just beginning to start on its daily life. Traffic was forming, and I was not looking forward to being stuck in traffic for the next hour.

"Who's Young Master and Mistress Romano?" I furrowed my brows, utterly confused at the names.

"Alessandro and Alessia." Sandeo murmured over to me.

"Why is he calling them that?"

"Because it's the rules. It's a sign of respect." Sandeo whispers back. "Think of it this way. Stella used to call us like that too until she got used to us and started calling us by our last names. Even now, Stella still won't call us by our first names because it is inappropriate as we are her employers."

"Oh." was all that left my mouth when suddenly the most beautiful house - or mansion - came into view. It was huge, and just the driveway and gate to enter this house was long and at least a mile long.

"I will bring in your things for you." the butler said firmly, but quietly as he got out a ring of keys from his pocket and put it into the key holder.

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