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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

"You are actually shipping them together?" Salvino said incredulously.

Normally, I would think that he was disgusted at the prospect, but from months of listening to him criticize and make fun of me, I knew that he wasn't being mean. He was genuinely confused. The same with Santino.

Look at me, finally able to tell their moods and appearances apa- wait. When was I able to notice the difference between the two of them?

Oh well. Who cares.

"Yeah," Sandeo shrugged, "Like why not?"

"Uh... Because the two of them are leagues apart, not even counting the fact that their personalities are so different." Santino replied. "Anyways, are you even sure Salvestro is Ophelia's 'taste' in men?"

"How would I know?" Sandeo asked, "It's just a feeling, y'know?"

"Salvestro wouldn't go for Ophelia though, right?" Salvino said, brows furrowing together. "Actually, is he even allowed to get with the household staff?"

"Don't think so." Santino muttered, "Though I certainly hope not. We do not need anyone getting anymore relationships."

"No one here other than Salvatore has a relationship, Santino." drawled Sandeo, and Santino and Salvino sent each other knowing looks.

It seems like Salvino has been told Santino's small secret.

Honestly, I would've been surprised if it weren't for the fact the twins don't hide secrets from each other for long. Especially after the incident with Sandeo, I'm not shocked to see that Salvino pried the secret out of Santino's lips.

"What." snapped Sandeo. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Nope." Santino said casually, his secret well protected under his mask of nonchalance.

If only I had their secret-hiding skills...

"Are you sure?" he accused, narrowing his eyes as Santino scowled.

"What." Salvino snapped. "Do you not trust us?"

Sandeo pretended to think about it for a minute, tilting his head to the side. "No." he finally deadpanned.

"Right." Salvino muttered under his breath. "Shouldn't have expected anything else."

"Well what did you expect." demanded Sandeo, and I could already tell that the situation was gonna escalate.

I swear, these three cannot stay in the same room with each other for more than ten minutes.

It was then I decided that I was going to leave the room. I do not want to be part of this when it blows up, and I already knew that it will. There wasn't a single doubt within me that thought the three of them would explode against one another. Or in better terms, the twins and Sandeo will get into a huge argument, soon or later.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go." I said quietly, but they were already too far into their fight to even talk, much less pay attention to me.

I stood up, looking behind me to make sure the seat was free of my period blood. When I was sure that there was no type of leakage, I was quick to scurry out of Sandeo's room, running back to my room.

I shut the door quietly, letting out a breath of relief just as shouting ensued. I had no doubt that if Salvatore was home right now, they wouldn't be yelling at this level.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they will still fight. However, I was nearly a hundred percent sure they'd make sure to keep their voices down to save their ass from getting kicked and burnt to hell by Salvatore.

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