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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

Life can truly be boring.

For nearly two weeks, I've been stuck in this damned house, the only living thing keeping me company being Milo. I haven't called or texted Caroline since the last time I saw her, being two weeks ago, on the day we were attacked. She hasn't even reached out to me either, so I'm pretty sure she just needs time to process everything.

I mean, in one night, she found out her sister was the girlfriend of a gang leader and quite badly hurt. A sane person would need time to fully come to terms with it, so I didn't push our talking, even if I was dying to talk to her.

Being cooped up in the house was getting very stuffy, if you know what I mean. Especially if I have no one to talk to.

Salvatore had absolutely refused to let me out of the house until my shoulder had finished healing. This obviously wouldn't happen for the next week or so, but the wound has pretty much closed up by now. So, I was debating if I should go ask Salvatore if I could go out.

Fortunately, they were able to track down the person who hired the assassin. I have no clue what had happened to them, but what I did know was that Salvatore and the twins were gone the entire night, leaving me with Salvestro and Sandeo. I could only guess what happened.

However, this came with its down sides. I haven't gotten to see Theo again, and I was hopeless. I doubted that I would get to see him again any time soon, which was extremely saddening, considering I like him... a lot.

My phone started to ring, and I peeked at the Caller ID.

"Caroline?" I said.

"Hey Amara! I haven't heard from you in forever." Caroline complained, before she turned concerned. "Is your shoulder alright? You haven't talked to me in two weeks."

"Yeah, it's good." I reassured her. "How are you?" I asked tentatively.

Not having any sort of contact with her, I had no idea how she was dealing with everything. I know the situation has passed, but it can be very... memorable. I know that the first time it happened to me, I was and still will be scarred for the rest of my life.

"I'm fine." Caroline answered offhandedly. "Now tell me why you haven't texted me for TWO weeks!"

I did not expect the sudden anger, and did not know what to say. "Uhh, I thought that you needed time to process everything, and that you were angry at me?" I answered. Even I sounded unsure of my own answers.

"Well I wasn't," Caroline retorted. "Until you didn't contact me for two fricking weeks!"

"Uhh, I'm sorry?" I apologized, sounding extremely sheepish. "But you didn't contact me either." I told her.

"Because you didn't call or text me!" Caroline fired back. "Girl, I thought you were pissed at me for not telling you about Nader earlier."

I nearly let out a sigh of exasperation. Wasn't her reason the same reason as mine?

Oh well, trying to tell Caroline she was wrong when she was angry was like trying to convince a starved lion they weren't hungry.

"Look, I'm sorry okay?" I said, trying to placate the girl. If it weren't for me being in the situation, I would be laughing so hard right now. Like, if it were someone else in my shoes and I was a bystander... I would be laughing. I don't know if that's good or not.

Caroline huffed her annoyance, but otherwise accepted my apology. "Fine, but are you free right now? Sandeo is coming over to the base today to meet up with Maroline, and I am planning to go meet up with Nader. I can come over and pick you up if you are free." she offered.

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